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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Cybercrime Prevention

An event dedicated to fraud prevention with the participation of employees of the North Kazakhstan Region (SKO) Department of Internal Affairs took place at the university.  Teachers and staff were informed about the main measures to prevent fraudulent actions by internet scammers.

«In the last 5 years, the number of cybercrimes has increased. In SKO last year, 780 cases were registered. The most common type is internet fraud. In order to counter this type of crime, a special unit called «Cyberpol» was created at the Petropavlovsk City Police Department. We pay special attention to preventive work with the population. Because, as a rule, people provide their data to scammers themselves. According to statistics, last year there were 50 registered cases involving employees of educational institutions,» said Vitaly Podchernin, Senior Investigator of Special Cases for the Cybercrime Unit of the SKO Police Department. The Kozybayev University staff also faces the activities of cybercriminals. Therefore, this meeting facilitated the development of algorithms for clear actions. According to the information provided by the police, if you receive a call from an unknown number asking you to transfer money or from a «close one in trouble,» you should immediately end the conversation. Contact the police, the bank, call your acquaintance back, and make sure they are alright. The same applies to messages asking you to follow a link or vote. The main thing is not to give your personal data to anyone. Participants of the event were also shown videos that vividly demonstrate fraudulent schemes and were given preventive brochures.
