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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Career Guidance in Technical Fields

Kozybayev University hosted a meeting with graduates of the Petropavlovsk College of Mechanical Engineering and Transport named after Bayken Ashimov in its new educational and laboratory complex.

The "Transport and Mechanical Engineering" department of the university conducted a large-scale career guidance event, presenting its new educational programs to the students:

«Technical Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Railway Cars»;
«Robotics and Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering»;
«Transport, Transport Equipment and Technologies»;
«Engineering and Innovative Measurement Technologies».

The college graduates were offered an interactive format of the event with prizes and souvenirs being awarded. This was followed by a tour of the modern educational and research laboratories. The students saw a robotic manipulator and an industrial robotic welding complex using laser technologies, which is used in many repair and restoration production industries.

They were also shown an industrial 3D printer, HBD 350.  To date, there are no similar pieces of equipment in higher education institutions in Kazakhstan. It allows the creation of highly complex metal products using selective laser melting for aviation, the space industry, the oil and gas industry, and medicine.

The students gained a clear understanding of the prospects of future professions such as:

«Additive Maintenance Engineer»;
«Virtual 3D Prototyping Engineer»;
«Industrial Robotics Designer»;
«Reverse Engineering Designer»;
«Materials Scientist for 3D Printing» and others.

Mastering new educational programs at the «Transport and Mechanical Engineering» department will allow its graduates to be competitive in the labor market. A powerful material base and close ties with employers guarantee practice-oriented training and a high employment rate for young professionals.
