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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Regional seminar-meeting

This week a regional seminar-meeting was held with the participation of scientists in the NKSU named after M. Kozybayev. The scientific meeting was held by the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050: a new policy course of the established state". The University’s scientists shared their views on the new thematic plan of research and research themes updating for 2013-2015 year.

A senior teacher of department of "History and social-human disciplines", Maxim Dotsenko talked about interregional tolerance and interfaith harmony. This was the urgent theme of the meeting, which was held on October 18, the Day of Spiritual Harmony. Scientists discussed the religious extremism and ways of preventing this dangerous phenomenon among the youth.

Another issue of the meeting - anti-corruption drive. Head of the department of "Legal Disciplines", Natalia Baranova proposed to use the international practice in dealing with this problem.

At the meeting teachers of each department reported on the performance of work under the Message of the President.
