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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


KVN in an official language

On the eve of the international day of students in the HEI passed opening of a new season of games KVN in an official language. 11 teams took part in the first game. For some of them this day was a scenic debut.

The hall, as usual, was full judges of humour. "NKSU Evolution" was the theme of a greeting. For the second competition the theme "News" was chosen. KVN players chose for the jokes pressing questions, such as: problems of modern actual language, event of student's life, love, relationship of parents and children.

The first place in this game was taken by the «Бәйтерек» team  in which graduates of a city classical gymnasium reunited. On the second place – the «Мәссаған» team of Institute of language and literature. The third place was taken by the team «Құрылыс.kz» of engineering and technology faculty.
