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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Good News

Our compatriots came back from Kickboxing Asian Championship, which was held 25-30 December in India, with a victory. One of them is our student - Rauan Smagulov. The family, the University staff and students met him at the station.

400 athletes from 19 states took part in a competition that took place in the Indian city Puna. Kazakhstan team won the first place. In the bank of our country, there are 15 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze medals. In the national team there are three of our countrymen, they were among the winners, won gold medals. Rauan specializes in such form of kickboxing, as low contact kickboxing. Rauan today is the 4th year student of Physical Education Faculty; he is going to link his future with sport. We are sure that in this field Rauan will reach great success. We wish Rauan to achieve even higher peaks.
