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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Gymnastic show

In higher education institution gymnastic show was held 22 years on end, which organized by the faculty of physical training. This year this action is devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 5 teams from different faculties took part in competition.

In the first round each team staged one gymnastic show, trying to surprise the audience. In the second round already what team was quicker, that team had high points and opportunity on a victory. The third round was the most important of all round. It was necessary to pass through several obstacles and to reach the finish. In the fourth round captains of teams tried their forces and patience. Captains of teams from all forces tried to win this round. As a whole, gymnastic show gave cheerful mood to the audience. All gathered people were surprised with professional skills of who showed their abilities and spent a good time. As a result of evening the faculty of physical training and engineering and technology faculty took 1 place.
