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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Winners of the international festival of architectural and construction and design schools of Eurasia

ETF “Building” specialty graduates scientific projects took the second and third places on the nomination "Calculation and Design of Buildings and Constructions" in the international festival of architectural and construction and design schools of Eurasia, which passed on November 28-30 in Istanbul  (Turkey). Universities representatives of 17 country participated in it, including 5 HEIs of Kazakhstan.

All awarded projects belong to graduates of the department Building and design (Darya Koshkarova (II place, scientific adviser R.Imambayeva) and Alina Aliftenova, Tatyana Grigoreva (III place,  scientific adviser N.Polishuk)), who today continue Master degree courses abroad. It’s the first participation in the international festival in the HEI’s practice, however, every year students take part in republic competitions and contests taking prize-winning places.    

Also it should be noted, that ETF “Design” specialty students scientific projects were presented in this festival. All participants were awarded applicative certificates, winners – diplomas.

In future there is preparing for the next festival, which will pass in Italy. We hope our HEI will be among the top three!
