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"Manash Kozybayev
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Seminar, devoted to the problems of publication of articles in magazines with impact-factor

On December 26 the seminar "Work with databases (ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, etc.). Common problems of publication of articles in rating magazines with a nonzero impact-factor" was held.

Today scientist must publish research works’ results in science magazines with the nonzero impact-factor to make himself and scientific researches known. The impact-factor – a numeral measure of the science magazines importance.  An american company Thomson Reuters is occupied with calculating magazines’ impact-factor across the globe. In databases of  Thomson Reuters world famous authoritative publications are registered.  

Dinmukhamed Shaykin, the deans of the faculty of economics, Candidate of Economics, Associate professor, shared with teachers experience of putting up materials in these publications. Problems connected with searching a necessary magazine, knowing English and mechanisms of articles giving to authoritative publications were considered.  

The seminar devoted to problems of the publication of articles in magazines with an impact-factor

In total in our HEI for 2013 more than 45 articles were placed in scientific magazines with an impact-factor (Russia, the USA).
