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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The Message of the President of this year is discussed At university

The HEI’s tasks are defined within the Message of the President. Participants of the scientific-theoretical conference were scientific structure and students of the HEI. The rector of NKSU, Undasyn Ashimov opened meeting, having paid great attention to the main directions of the Message of the President and to the concrete works, carrying out in the HEI. One of them is creation of scientific and technological park at university. Its main directions – work of new biotechnological production, creation of new computer means and systems, research of water resources.

In work of conference took part the deputy of the Senate of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Anatoly Bashmakov and the deputy regional Akim Farkhad Kuanganov.

In conference scientists of the HEI reported on the scientific works. In today the university puts the research direction forward. 60% of scientists of the HEI are young scientists.

And students rejoice in increase of grants and apprehended words of the Head of state.
