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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Forum-relay "Mangilik El"

Bright flags, costumes, balloons, friendly aviations - just so a patriotic forum-relay “Mangilik El” was begun at university.

This day the most active and not indifferent to the country’s future young boys and girls from NKSU, city’s colleges, Military Institute, the assembly of Kazakhstan people, also delegates from oblast rayons. There were more than 500 people, who enthusiastic by a patriotic idea “Mangilik El”, voiced by country’s President N. Nazarbayev in the Address “Kazakhstan 2050: the common goal, common interests, common future”. Oblast akim Samat Eskendirov noted that this conception should become the basis for consolidation of civilian power of a society, for saving independent achievements and a powerful break to 30 developed countries of the world.

At the event young patriots – students, cadets, young specialists of NKO villages spoke.    

This forum-relay already has passed in several oblasts of Kazakhstan. Its symbol - a given from a region to region Wishes book, devoted to “Mangilik El”.  In its pages North Kazakhstan youth expressed supports for the national idea.
