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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


"NUR OTAN" party is 15 years old

"On March 1 "Nur Otan" party was 15 years old from the moment of formation. During this time the party passed a difficult way of victories and fulfillments. Today its main goal – consolidation of civil society round a strategic course of the Head of state, ensuring national support of realization of "Strategy "Kazakhstan – 2050". – The candidate of historical sciences Zaure Kartova told about it to students at the open lecture given in higher education institution last week.

At our university "Bolashak" branch of "Nur Otan" party successfully functions. It unites primary party organizations at each faculty. Today about 1500 people enter it. Specially for students "bolashakovets" organized a books exhibition, telling about formation and activity of the main party of the country in NKSU library.
