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"Manash Kozybayev
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The conference devoted to the 90 anniversary of Rabiga Syzdyk

Rabiga Syzdyk - the Doctor of Philology, professor, the honored worker of science of Kazakhstan. Today the Scientist, who has made a big contribution to development of philological science, will be 90 years. In this regard "Kazakh philology" department held the conference devoted to the biography and work Rabiga Syzdyk. Students of institute of language and literature made reports on linguistics which Rabiga Syzdyk made the big contribution.

Rabiga Syzdyk is the scientist awarded by the certificate of honor "For the Best Indicators in Socialist Competition". It is possible to find many useful data in works of Rabiga Syzdyk on lexical, grammatical directions. Future philologists analyzed works of the scientist, received a lot of necessary information.
