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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


A new partnership

On 10 April it was held the meeting of the delegation of Omsk state university named after F.M.Dostoevskiy and the administration and teaching staff of our university. 

The main purpose of the delegation's visit was to sign the contract on the cooperation in the field of education and science, to train bachelors, masters and PhD doctors in common, to realize the double diploma program and joint scientific researches.

Today our university has established a close cooperation with 67 foreign universities and 47 universities of the Russian Federation. This contract will stregthen the partnership connection between the border universities of two countries.

The Rector of OmSU Aleksey Yakubov expressed his thanks to our universities for the organized meeting and noted that this sooperation would impact on professional developing of the scientific-pedagogical personnel and exchange of students within the academic mobility positively. 
