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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Initiation into students at Musical and pedagogical faculty

Initiation into students - special event for freshmen. 100 boys and girls musical-pedagogical faculty were looking forward to this holiday. Dean of the Faculty Ainagul Sarzhanova congratulated freshmen. She wished the children a successful study, active participation in public life and the speedy adaptation to the new conditions. Then undergraduate swelcome freshmen. In their speeches, they showed maturity and readiness, in comic form provided practical advice and recommendations on how to become a real student. The new generation, in turn, showed their talents - children sang, danced, joked and shared with the audience in a good mood. The holiday was a bright, creative and memorable.

In front they are 4 years of study, students should do a lot of work to develop their profession. We can only wish them an interesting and rich student life.
