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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The university was visited by Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On October 20 the Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abdykalikova Gulshara has visited the regional center of North Kazakhstan oblast. During the working visit the Secretary and the oblast akim have visited our University, where they met with students learned on the program "Serpin-2050". The rector of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev Undasynov Ashimov has welcomed the guests.

The state program "Serpin-2050" was launched in 2014. Training and employment of young people from the southern and western regions of the country in regions with staff shortages are its main objectives. As part of this program about 700 students have entered our university and colleges of the city for educational, technical and agricultural specialties. Despite the fact that the meeting was official, the conversation took place in a relaxed atmosphere. The students shared their impressions about student life and plans after graduation. It is worth noting that the oblast akim Erik Sultanov personally controls the process of implementation of the program in the region.

Gulshara Abdykalikova noted that the industrialization of the country requires the mobilization of educational resources. And there are serious challenges for the program "Serpin 2050", and it's set great hopes on students.

The program "Serpin-2050" is becoming popular among students. High scholarships, housing and subsequent employment attract more and more young people. If in 2014 the number of enterd persons was 138 people, but this year numbers of students of NKSU named after M. Kozybaev already have joined the 267 school leavers from the southern regions.

tHE PROGRAM "Serpin 2050" promises to be one of the most effective educational programs. Future staff takes their tasks most responsibly. Students told that they would do their best to meet the expectations imposed by country!
