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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


A training seminar is conducted at the university

on 26 February, 2016 a training seminar on the theme "Preparing of a scientific and journalistic text, report on the media for interconfessional tolerance and interethnic harmony" was conducted at the university.

The branch "Bolashak" of the party "Nur Otan" was as the joint organizer of the seminar.

The aim of the training seminar was the acquaintance with the main principles of preparing of the scientific and journalistic text and report on the media.  

The seminar set itself goals to extend of students' notion on the rules of registration of scientific text as required, links and References

The seminar was held to attract the attention to the correct use of specialized terms on interconfessional and interethnic relations in scientific publications, public speeches and the media.

Participating in the seminar representatives of the Department of Analysis and Social Research of MSI "Center for Analysis and development of interconfessional relations" of the Office for Religious of the NKO reviewed publications in the media on issues of interconfessional relations.

The training seminar was attended by about 40 people, among whom were Petropavlovsk school teachers, members of ethnic and cultural associations of the North Kazakhstan regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, teachers and students M. Kozybayev NKSU.
