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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Day of Thanks is celebrated at the university

Kazakhstan people have a new holiday. The President Nursultan Nazarbayev has proposed to celebrate Day of Thanks at the XXII session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. It's the day of charity of all ethnic groups together.

Henceforth this holiday will be celebrated on the first day of the spring. it is no mere chance that Nursultan Nazarbayev has proposed this day: 21 years ago on 1 March the Assembly of Kazakhstan was founded on his initiative. Just this body is the symbol of our contry unity.

Students of musical and pedagogical faculty were the first who have taken up the president's initiative and decided to celebrate this holiday. The students stage was beautyfied by dances, songs and poems about love, life and Motherland of Kazakhstan nations.

Many of participants know about the new holiday for the first time. But the idea of ​​the Day of Thanks has been greeted warmly. It is no secret that in such moments people's hearts become good, and the friendship of people - even stronger!

Another event dedicated to celebration of the Day of Thanks has become a charity fair organized by Natural Science and Sports faculty. Culinary products prepared by students have been represented at the fair. Office supplies and toys will be buy for orphans for the money earnd in the fair.
