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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Within the Memorandum of cooperation the specialists of "DAMU" Entrepreneurship Development Fund" will conduct business-trainings for students

Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University and  "DAMU" Entrepreneurship Development Fund" JSC have signed the Memorandum of cooperation. Henceforth specialists of consulting companies will conduct free business-trainings for our students.

"Supporting the entrepreneurial initiatives among students" was the topic of the first training, which was held on 4-10 March at our university. 20 students got basic knowledge about doing and planning of the business.

It's considered issues such as business registration, marketing, financial planning, personnel administration, risks for startups, entrepreneur psychology.

After all courses the training participants will present their busines-projects for Damu fund. At the end of March 4 best ideas will be selected and their authors will be able to participate in the further training that will lead the Almaty company in online.

Business training will be carried out during the academic year, quarterly in our university. The next training will begin on 7 April. All participants will get certificates of "DAMU" fund.
