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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The Procuracy staff read lectures for students

Internet has opened up the inexhaustible possibilities for mankind, the global network has become a platform, which has absorbed all the best and the worst aspects of our lives. How to protect yourself and do not get caught in the World Wide Web network? The staff of the regional and city prosecutor's office have told about it our university students.

on April 8-12 students of NKSU listened a cycle of prevention lectures. The visit of the staff of supervisory authorities of the region headed by the chief of the 7th Regional Office of the Public Prosecutor Ruslan Mambetov had a serious and relevant cause. Increasingly on the Internet there are materials of illegal character. Young people are subject to influence of destructive information, in frequent cases, they are law breakers.

Sites as Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Classmates, My World are under close scrutiny of law enforcement. At first glance innocuous popular social networks are the main Internet resources containing illegal information. The right of possession and dissemination of information reinforces the responsibility and a number of duties. Unfortunately, nowadays many people forget about it.

Improving of the legal literacy of students in the form of preventive lectures is the necessary measures to warn young people against the deviation of the Constitution and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
