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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Meeting of students of the program "Serpin" devoted to the post-graduate adaptation

What the opportunities do acting government programs provide for young people? What organizations can support their initiatives? Answers to these questions were given at a meeting of students studying on the republican program "Serpіn" with relevant institutions of the oblast.

The representatives of organizations such as Department of Civil Service, Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu", youth wing "Jas Otan", JSC "Housing Construction Savings Bank" gathered with one common goal - to prepare students from the southern regions of Kazakhstan to the post-graduate adaptation. Issues as the decision of employment and housing problems, participation in the program "Road Map - 2020" and others were taken up.

The issue of the consolidation of the southern regions students with the local youth was urgent at the meeting. Measures to solve this problem are regularly organized by the youth wing "Jas Otan".

An employee of the Department of Civil Service Nurlan Zhakin told the audience about the rules of admission to the civil service. In 2016, Kazakhstan has started to develop a new model of public service. Promotion of civil servants on the career will take place on a competitive basis and on the principle of meritocracy. And admission to the civil service will be realized through competition among the citizens on the basis of a three-stage selection process. The selection stages: testing for the knowledge of legislation, interviewing in a public body and testing for assessing the personality traits.
