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"Manash Kozybayev
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It was organized the meeting of the scientific-methodological association of "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" department

It was considered the results of the work in 2015-2016 academic year and tasks for the future at the meeting of the scientific-methodological association of APK department.

Lectures, seminars, round tables, exhibitions, competitions - in general 74 events, in which SMA members have participated or organized. Among them, such as the Republican scientific seminar "The Role of APK department in the educational process of high school and the activities of the state, public organizations and ethno-cultural associations", regional competition "The best guide to the sights of NKO", high school essay competition among students "What do you mean be a patriot" and others.

Another part of the activity of SMA of APK department - publication of the scientific-methodological aids. This year the association's members have prepared eight such aids, also a collection of students' essays devoted to the APK year.

As noted by the head of APK department L.A. Grivennaya "Strengths in the activities of the association is, first of all, peer review of activities at the meetings of SMA. In addition, interdisciplinary communication of research, scientific and methodical work and activities. Among the strengths of our activities should also include the publication of scientific and methodical manuals, introduction of scientific developments in the training activities of the university and the production, expansion of cooperation with external organizations of the city and the region and, of course, the relationship with the Republican Scientific Centers".

Letters of thanks for their active participation in the work of SMA awarded Y.V. Kuzmenko, S.V. Pashkov, T.A. Akhmetova, Z.P. Tabakova and its other members.

Participants of the meeting shared their impressions about the results of the last academic year, made comments and suggestions. At the end of the event it was presented the plans for the upcoming academic year.

