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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


University's students are spending the educational-production practice in the industrial training complex "Miras"

Some of students have the educational-production practice. Students of 1-2 courses of the specialties "Geography", :Biology", and "Design" have been in the industrial training complex "Miras" since June 6.

The industrial training complex "Miras" is located in 35 km from the city and in Kyzylzhar region. It is one of the beautiful places of the region. In this complex students have been training since 2004.

Practice in nature is very interesting, especially for the freshmen. If future designers reproduce the architecture of the educational industrial complex, students of specialty "Geography" will size territory and plan. And biologists will define species of plants and animals.

Students spend their free time usefully. They organize various sports activities. There are all conditions for students.

