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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


In NKSU named after M.Kozybayeva conducted complex testing of applicants

20 and 21 July on the basis of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev conducted comprehensive testing of applicants. This exam was attended by graduates of previous years.

The university set up a special government commission that carries out the organizational and advocacy work. Also for monitoring the conduct of complex testing at the university worked representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Applicants are run one at a time, are being tested, because at the exam should be no cell phones, calculators, and cribs. By the way, at the time of testing is necessary to observe strict discipline, in case of violation of the rules the representative of the authorized body draw up the act and can annul the results.

For students are given 2.5 hours to 100 questions on four subjects: Kazakh or Russian language, history of Kazakhstan, mathematics and subject of choice.

For participation in complex testing applied for 794 entrants, and was attended by 778. Of these, 83% did not gain threshold level. Since then, they have an opportunity to retake the test with 1 to August 8 this year. Profile subject at will can be changed.

In general, the exam passed without comment, 17% of children score threshold level and have the right to apply for an educational grant.
