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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


M. Kozybayev NKSU acting rector Serik Omirbayev met freshmen, owners of the sign "Altyn Belgi”

Our university was chosen by 7 owners of the sign "Altyn Belgi” this year.  It is the best index of recent years. They told about the first impressions about HEI and future plans at the meeting with the acting rector Serik Omirbayev. 

Vyacheslav Grabovsky, Irina Gorelik, Haybrakhmanova Dana, Nikita Gorshkov, Danil Dityuk, Ivashchenko Victoria, Fedorenko Elena are"Gold fund" of our university. So owners of the sign "Altyn Belgi” were called by the rector Serik Maulenovich Omirbayev at the meeting organized on his initiative.

2 of 7 medallists chose "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications " speciality, the others –"Geography", "Mathematics", "Economy", "Tourism", "Foreign language" specialties. According to freshmen, first of all, their choice is connected with the education quality level in NKSU. Our HEI has high rates for such parameters as achievement of students and employment persentage of graduates.

In spite of the fact that the meeting had official character, the conversation took place in unconstrained atmosphere. Students actively shared their impressions about the first days of student's life and plans.

The title of the medallist places great responsibility on freshmen. Providing all necessary for students’ self-realization the university expects not only successful study from them, but also scientific activities.

During the conversation, students actively asked the rector questions. Generally the questions concerned innovations in education which actively practice in our HEI, but are still unfamiliar to freshmen. The outcome of the meeting was a memorable photo.

