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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Scientific and methodological online seminar

The coronavirus pandemic has launched a digital transformation of the educational process at all levels.It is being implemented much faster than planned in the last few years as part of public policy. We were ready for some features, but not quite ready for some. One thing is for sure: digitalization is not the future, it is our current reality. This problem was the subject of a scientific and methodological online seminar organized and conducted by the faculty of the Department of Special and social pedagogy. Participants kruglovatoe was: Teaching staff of the Department "SSP", Sannikova M. V., Kukharenko E.V., Ibragimova E. V., Alina A. K., Dairbaeva Alina and Martinovska Valentine, a student of the 3 course.
