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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Essay contest " Letter of Victory"

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. Peaceful life in the country was interrupted. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders began. Kazakhstanis, like all the peoples of the Soviet Union, stood up for the Fatherland. More than a million of our countrymen were called to the front. 142 industrial enterprises were located and restored in Kazakhstan. Thanks to the relocated enterprises, new industries emerged, such as mechanical engineering, machine tool construction, and the production of various types of military products was mastered. In relation to the requirements of the war, the agriculture of Kazakhstan was rebuilt. The Hitlerite command sought to capture vital areas of the Soviet Union. First of all, at any cost, it wanted to seize the capital - Moscow. The Soviet people stood up for Moscow. Together with other soldiers of the Red Army, the capital was staunchly defended by the soldiers of Kazakhstan. In an appeal to the defenders of Moscow, the workers of our republic wrote: "Not a step back! To the last breath, to the last drop of blood, defend your native Moscow. In these terrible days of decisive battles with the Nazi hordes, far Kazakhstan is with you." In the heavy battles for Moscow, the 316 Rifle Division formed in Alma-Ata, commanded by Major General I. V. Panfilov, covered itself with unfading glory. The Kazakhs also fought heroically in the battle of Stalingrad. The famous Battle of the Volga was one of the greatest battles in the history of the Second World War and in world history. The German command threw more than a million soldiers and officers, thousands of tanks and planes at Stalingrad. If the Nazis won on the Volga, Turkey and Japan were to join the war against the Soviet Union. Kazakhstan became the closest rear of the Stalingrad Front. This was stated on October 9, 1942 in an Appeal on behalf of the people of the Central Committee of the CP (b) and the Government of the Kazakh SSR to their fellow countrymen who fought on the Volga: "The Kazakh is a warrior. Know that there is no further retreat... Stalingrad is the key to the East." The Kazakh soldiers faithfully fulfilled this order. The 27th, 72nd, and 73rd Guards Rifle Divisions, the 292nd and 387th Rifle divisions, the 81st Cavalry Division, the 74th Naval Rifle Division, the 129th mortar Regiment, and the 156th separate motor-building battalion took part in the offensive and defensive battles of the Battle of Stalingrad. All of them were formed on the territory of Kazakhstan.
In the great battle of the Volga, the Red Army, having surrounded and destroyed a large group of German fascist troops, won an outstanding victory, only about 300 thousand soldiers and officers were taken prisoner, including the commander-Field Marshal von Paulus. This victory was the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Second World War and the entire Second World War.In the battle of the Volga, the 38th Division under the command of Colonel Gania Safiullin, formed in December 1941 in Alma-Ata, became famous.In the heroic chronicle of the Second World War, the names of the Komsomol-Kazakh women Manshuk Mametova and Aliya Moldagulova, who glorified themselves in the battles with the Nazi invaders, are inscribed in golden letters.Aliya Moldagulova was caught by the war in Leningrad, where she studied at the 9th secondary school. In the fall of 1942, she volunteered for the army and was sent to a sniper school. Aliya arrived at the Leningrad Front in August 1943. She was well known and well liked in the brigade. She was killed in January 1944 in a battle near the town of Novosokolniki, Pskov region. Manshuk Mametova and Aliya Moldagulova are the first girls of the Soviet East to be awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.One of the Victory banners on the walls of the Reichstag in the defeated Berlin was installed by our countryman Lieutenant Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev. And a native of Kostanay land, Senior Sergeant Ilya Syanov participated in the hoisting of the Victory Banner on the dome of the Reichstag, which is now kept as the greatest relic - a symbol of the triumph of reason over the forces of evil, as a symbol of the holiday of freedom and peace.A war that lasted 1,418 days and nights ended in a Great Victory. The Red Army broke the back of fascism and brought peace and happiness to the people of the earth. On May 9, 1945, the act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed, and this day will forever remain in our memory and the memory of grateful descendants in the history of mankind - as the Day of the Great Victory.The war claimed 30 million lives of Soviet people, including about a million Kazakhstanis. Therefore, it is our duty to remember this, not to forget by whom and at what cost the Victory was won, to remember all those who died of wounds, who did not live to this day, to worship those veterans who today celebrate with us the 62nd anniversary of Victory Day, to help them live with dignity.
On May 5, 2021, students of our educational programs took part in the essay course dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War "Victory Letter". Results of the competition: 3rd place - Matusevich Tatiana, Nurkenova Fatima and Shamsutdinova Marina, 2nd place-Dayrabaeva Alina and Ostrovskaya Yana, 1st place-Tarannik Vyacheslav.
