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13 November 2024
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Polytechnic education (1949-1996 гг.)

The question of the need to create a technical university in the North Kazakhstan region was rather sharply posed after the Great Patriotic War. The decision of the Union ministries to maintain and further develop production at the evacuated factories in the city of Petropavlovsk significantly expanded and increased the industrial potential of the North Kazakhstan region. New industrial enterprises appeared in the city, the need for engineering personnel, middle and senior managers increased. The training of engineers was carried out by the Petropavlovsk Mechanical College, but its capabilities were limited. For the developing industry of the city, engineering personnel with a higher education and a wider training profile were required.

In the academic year 1949 - 1950, a stronghold of the All-Union Correspondence Engineering Institute was opened at the factory of executive mechanisms (FEM). Izmail Usmanovich Bikbaev was appointed the first manager of the plant.

Since May 1951, the Institute’s Directorate (VZMI) has authorized all types of training in general science disciplines in Petropavlovsk. To ensure a high level of education, the directorate of the training center invited specialists working at the Petropavlovsk Teachers' Institute: candidates of physical and mathematical sciences S.N. Chulkov, A.A. Shatalov, T.D. Goldstein, candidate of chemical sciences A.K. Cherepakhin, candidate of historical sciences R.K. Akberdin, as well as experienced engineers L.M. Bukalov, A.G. Voronov, A.M. Kotlyar.

The strong point did not have its own training base, part of the classes was held in the educational buildings of the Petropavlovsk Teachers’ Institute, Mechanical College, Agricultural Technical College, and technical laboratories of plants were used.

By the middle of the 50s, in connection with the development of virgin lands and the development of industrial production in the virgin land, the need for engineering personnel increased sharply. After numerous appeals from local authorities by order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR of June 25, 1960, the Petropavlovsk Training and Consulting Center of the All-Union Correspondence Engineering Institute was transferred to the Ural Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Polytechnic Institute (Sverdlovsk). The training was carried out only by correspondence, the contingent of students was 180 people, there were three teachers in the staff list: V.I. Azernikov, A.M. Sannikov, S.N. Vasiliev; The head of the training and consulting center from the V. Kuibyshev plant was B.V. Vostrikov. The training and consulting center at the Kuibyshev plant had a classroom of 70 square meters. m, for the training sessions also used the clubhouse.

In 1962, the head of the training and counseling center, M.T. Mikhailov takes emergency measures to allocate the educational building. After numerous approvals and appeals to Tselinny economic council, the regional leadership managed to get the building of the evening school under construction on the Mayakovsky street, 103 with 520 seats. In 1962-1975, the base enterprise was the MLD plant, which provided financial assistance to the training and consulting center on an equity basis with other enterprises of the city.

The obtained training room strengthened the material base of the training camp, created an opportunity to improve the quality of training. All types of classes were held on the basis of the training and consulting center, only 4-6 year students took a laboratory workshop at the Ural Polytechnic Institute in Sverdlovsk. Since 1963, the training of engineering personnel in the specialties: "Mechanical Engineer", "Engineer-Economist", "Radio Engineer", "Civil Engineer" has expanded.

Since 1965, at the Petropavlovsk Training and Consulting Center, the defense of diploma projects in the specialty "Engineering Technology, Metal-Cutting Machines and Tools" was allowed. Enrollment of students in all specialties is increasing; on October 8, 1974, the student population was 815 people. The staffing was pretty high. There were 17 teachers in the staff of the training and consulting center, of which 3 had academic degrees and titles; in addition, 45 highly qualified specialists from the Ural Polytechnic Institute were involved in the educational process. All this contributed to the high level of training of specialists. In 1970, the proportion of teachers with degrees and titles was 42% of the total number of teachers, in 1974 - 56%.

The material base was good enough. Students were fully provided with educational literature; the foundation of its own scientific and technical library was formed, the equipment of laboratories was constantly replenished, the leaders of the Petropavlovsk factories who were interested in high-quality training of engineering and technical personnel participated in this process.

The growth of the material and personnel potential of the training and consulting center created the possibility of organizing the educational process in full-time, evening and distance learning.

With the direct participation of the leadership of the North Kazakhstan region, the management of the educational institution managed to resolve the issue of financing the construction of a new educational building. In 1970 - 1975, the construction of a new educational building for 1200 places was carried out, with a total area of ​​6308 sq. m (M. Zhumabaev Square).

The growing need for engineering personnel in the Northern region, caused by the emerging base of industrial enterprises and the construction industry of Petropavlovsk, contributed to the development of technical education. On November 21, 1974, by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR, the training and consulting center of Petropavlovsk was reorganized into the General Technical Faculty of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. The first dean at the academic council of the Ural Polytechnic Institute was elected candidate of historical sciences, M.T. Mikhailov.

In October 1975, the new academic building was put into operation. The Petropavlovsk Heavy Engineering Plant (PHTM), which was one of the leading enterprises not only in Kazakhstan but also in the Soviet Union, made a significant contribution to strengthening the material base. The management of PHTM allocated 100 full-time units of educational support and maintenance personnel, and proposed the installation of training equipment. New conditions made it possible to open daytime, evening (up to 400 people) and preparatory departments.

All this created opportunities for further improvement of the educational process. In 1976, three viewing television audiences were equipped with a total of more than 350 seats, in which video recordings could be used in the educational process. By the mid-70s, the number of students increased significantly. In 1978, 1,200 students were already enrolled in six courses. The material base of the university is estimated at more than 1 million rubles. The staff consists of 25 teachers, including 7 candidates of science. A significant contribution to the development of technical education was made by: N.I. Shvetsov, M.S. Kosilov, V.T. Maltsev, E.T. Kuzyakina, L.F. Dik, A.A. Werner, M.A. Bogomolov V.A. Okruzhko, V.A. Novoseltsev, R.I. Sim and others.

In 1978, at the request of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, the Petropavlovsk General Technical Faculty of the Ural Polytechnic Institute was transferred to the Kazakh SSR. By order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Kazakh SSR of June 19, 1978, from July 1, 1978, the General Technical Faculty  of the Karaganda Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Polytechnic Institute with evening and correspondence courses was opened in Petropavlovsk.

In 1981, the young scientist K.O. Orazov became the dean of the Petropavlovsk General Engineering Faculty. K.O. Orazov was born in the village of Daiyndyk of the North Kazakhstan region, he graduated from the MVTU named after Bauman (1969), since 1969 he worked at the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute as a teacher, Art. teacher, assistant professor. In 1981, he was elected dean of the general technical faculty, in 1982 he became director of the Petropavlovsk Branch of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute. Here he accumulated management experience, solving complex management issues, learned to defend his own point of view, and subsequently all these skills were useful to him in the public service. In 1993, according to the presidential list, he was elected a senator, since 1996 he worked in the apparatus of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. While in the civil service, he defended his doctoral dissertation, received the title of professor.

The transition to the structural unit of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute opened up new prospects for the development of technical education in the Northern region of Kazakhstan. Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, headed by professor, doctor of technical sciences, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kaz. SSR, Hero of Socialist Labor Abylkas Saginovich Saginov, was the leading technical university of the republic, trained engineers in 24 specialties, had a good scientific and methodological base, and conducted active scientific research. With the direct participation and great interest of the rector A.S. Saginov Petropavlovsk General Technical Faculty began to take shape not only as a higher educational institution, but also as a center of scientific and technical creativity. Scientific and applied research began to be carried out on a contractual basis, technical departments had 1-2 contracts each. Teachers M.S. Kosilov, Yu.E. Maugauzer, V.G. Maltsev, N.M. Kanaev, A. Gritsishin, V.V. Sinitsin, V.B. Ovsyannikov, M.M. Solyanina, R.L. Yarochkina, etc.

The transformation of the general technical faculty into a branch of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute entailed structural changes. Two faculties were formed in the Petropavlovsk branch: engineering and general engineering, seven departments trained specialists: engineering, radio engineering, construction, economics, higher mathematics, physics and engineering disciplines, social sciences. Specialists were trained in full-time, evening, and correspondence courses. Since September 1, 1983, on the basis of full-time students were trained in two specialties: "Engineering Technology" and "Welding Technology."

To strengthen the teaching staff, the leadership of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute sends highly qualified specialists to Petropavlovsk, among them associate professors S.V. Starukhin, T.Kh. Khairullin, S.S. Tuboltseva, M.Z. Gordievich and others.

Significantly increases the level of practical training of engineering personnel. Communication with production provides a high level of graduation projects, which include elements of patent searches and are performed using computers. A significant part of graduation projects is recommended for implementation in production. During these years, the question of the construction of a laboratory building on Pushkin St. (now building No. 4) was resolved.

The Declaration of the sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan has set new challenges in the development of education. In the early 90's, the search for a model of regional education management was carried out. On June 2, 1994, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted resolution No. 584 on the establishment of universities in a number of cities of Kazakhstan, including Petropavlovsk, which stated: "In order to further improve higher education, develop the regional University system of training specialists... to transform the Petropavlovsk pedagogical Institute into the North Kazakhstan University, including the Petropavlovsk branch of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, renaming it the higher technical College of the North Kazakhstan University". In addition, the subordination of the North Kazakhstan University included the Petropavlovsk pedagogical College, the Petropavlovsk industrial and pedagogical College, the North Kazakhstan mechanical College, and the regional Institute for teacher improvement.

By a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and an order of the Ministry of Education in 1994, a higher technical college was opened on the basis of the Petropavlovsk branch of KarPTI at North Kazakhstan University, while retaining its legal and financial independence. At the beginning of 1995, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Information G.M. Mutanov.

Under his leadership, a higher technical college becomes a university with a developed infrastructure. During this period, an energy-saving and certification agency, a scientific and technical center, and a specialized safety council are created and work at VTK. A computer center, a printing house are opening, the newspaper Parasat has been published since 1996, and the university television program Parasat is being created. The number of faculty of the higher technical college was 200 people, 40% of which had a degree.

In 1995 - 1996, structural changes were carried out: transport and construction (dean - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, professor of NKSU was T.Kh. Khairullin), economic (dean - candidate of historical sciences, associate professor was S.I. Ibraev), engineering (dean - associate professor was A.A. Lipchansky) faculties. The contingent of students has increased. As of 01.01.1996, 1800 students were studying at the HTC. The material base was 51 million tenge.

The technical college team paid much attention to the introduction of modern technologies in the educational process: test forms of control began to be applied, and a Sunday engineering class in computer science was opened for school students. A significant contribution to the formation of a higher technical college was made by S.A. Atamanov, K.B. Bukenbaev, S.S. Tuboltseva, M.Z. Gordievich, G.I. Salamasov.

On May 23, 1996, on the basis of a decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Higher Technical College, retaining the faculties, became a part of North Kazakhstan University.

The traditions of the pedagogical institute were harmoniously supplemented by the strict rationalism of the polytechnic, time proved the wisdom and timeliness of the merger.