The Department of Economics, accounting and finance was established in 2016. But it has deep historical roots. So, the history of the department began in 1981. At first it was called "Economics and organization of the machine-building industry". In 1991, the department was reoriented to train students in the specialty "Economics and management of production". In 1996, in connection with the opening of a new specialty "Accounting and Auditing", the department was renamed the Department "Economics and Accounting". In 2002, 3 departments were established ("Management and Accounting", "Economics" and "Finance and Credit"). In 2014, as a result of reorganization at the university by combining the departments of Economics and Management and Accounting, the Department of Economics and Accounting was formed, in 2015, as a result of reorganization and transfer to the department of the specialty "Tourism", the Department of Economics, Accounting and Service was formed. Currently, the department is called "Economics and Accounting". The department employs highly qualified teaching staff, who pass on their knowledge and experience to students and young colleagues. The department has a 1C certification center, where students can be certified and receive a certificate "1C: PROFESSIONAL". In recent years, within the framework of academic mobility, teachers from various countries of the European Union (Italy, Poland, Egypt and Lithuania) have been lecturing students. Students of the department actively participate in academic mobility programs, studying in countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, etc. According to the results of the rating of NCE RK "Atameken" for 2022, EP "Economy" took 3rd place, EP "Accounting and Audit" - 4th place, and EP "Tourism" - 8th place.
Address: Petropavlovsk, Zhumabayev st., 114, building 6
Laboratory room: 420, tel. +7 (7152) 493177, internal 1201
Dinmuhammed Nurlanovich
Head of Chair Economics, accounting and finance
Candidate of Economical Science, professor
Bachelor's degree :
6B04108 Business and Management
6B04108 Business and Management(US)
Master's degree :
7M04102 Business administration (MBA)
7M04103 State and local government
7M04108 Financial analytics (profile direction)
7M04115 Public administration
PhD study:
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Зав. кафедрой, associate professor, "economics, accounting and finance" chair , ph.d.
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Associate Professor, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , doctor of economic sciences, candidate of economic sciences
Associate Professor, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , candidate of economic sciences
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Associate Professor, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , ph.d.
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Associate Professor, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , candidate of economic sciences
Зав. кафедрой, professor, "economics, accounting and finance" chair , candidate of economic sciences, professor
Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master