The main purposes of the Psychological counseling office: to help person (student, teacher, employee of the HEI), who asks for the psychological help, in his problem solving, awareness and change of an ineffective behavior pattern to make the main decisions, to solve problems, to reach the purposes, to live in harmony with himself and surrounding world.
Psychological counseling office is located in 103 auditorium of the dormitory No. 1.
Labor hours: from 08:30 till 17:30, lunch break 13:00 - 14:00
Structure of psychological service
Moiseev Pavel Yuryevich Teacher-psychologist +7 (7152) 493035 |
Zhamukanova Kamila Serikovna Teacher-psychologist +7 (7152) 493035 |
Turysova Daniya Beibutovna Teacher-psychologist +7 (7152) 493035
Dear friends!
If you need a help or support, a friendly understanding or professional advice
please write your questions in the blog, we will answer them.
The principle of confidentiality: psychologist's answers will be sent to your email. Your questions will not be visible to all users. Publication of questions and answers will be conducted only with the consent of the client.