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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


An online round table "Tauelsizdik barinen kymbat" was held at the university

The newspaper "Yegemen Kazakhstan" published an article by President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev "Independence is the most precious thing". In it, the Head of State assessed the country's development over the years of sovereignty and set tasks for the new decade. The author dwelled not only on the analysis of historical eras, but also on the events taki...

08 January 2021
Visit of Senator Olga Perepechina and Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Petr Sharapayev to Kozybayev University

Olga Perepechina is not visiting our university for the first time, and therefore can compare the dynamics of its development. At the beginning of the visit, the deputies got acquainted with the progress of construction work of the 11-storey educational and laboratory building. This project is included in the Comprehensive Plan of Social and Econom...

06 January 2021
Стратегия обучения и профессионального развития педагога как лидера

Лидер может быть назначен официально, а может и не занимать положения, но фактически руководить коллективом в силу своих организаторских способностей. Лидер не только направляет и ведет своих последователей, но и желает вести их за собой, а они не просто следуют, но и хотят идти за ним. Как развить в себе такие качества? И приобрести новые компетен...

05 January 2021
Kozybayev University student won first place in the competition "Zhyldyn uzdik studenti"

Sabina Barkitova, first-year student of the EP Management, took part in the republican competition "Zhyldyn uzdik studenti" held within the program: "Kazakhstan 2020: Bolashakka Zhol" by the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim- orkenieti" and the Academy of the best students. More than 400 participants presented their achievements in the fie...

31 December 2020
Rewarding teaching staff and university staff

On the eve of the new year, the university held a solemn awarding ceremony for the teaching staff and staff. For their contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the training of young specialists, 15 teachers and employees of the university were awarded with certificates of honor and letters of thanks ...

30 December 2020
The educational programs of the university are accredited by the IAAR

In early December, an external expert commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating worked at Kozybayev University. 30 educational programs of the university passed the check (11 of them - for the first time, 19 - again). Based on the results of the meeting of the IAAR Accreditation Council, a decision was made on the internati...

30 December 2020
Results of the 2020 rating of NCE "Atameken" educational programs Kozybayev University

Our university has been participating in the rating of educational programs of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" since 2018. Its experts rank all universities in Kazakhstan with the involvement of employers by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the country. This time, the main criteria we...

30 December 2020
Honoring the best students at the end of 2020

Traditionally, the university summed up the results of the outgoing year and awarded the distinguished students. The year was not easy, but together we overcame all difficulties. Distance learning technologies have been successfully integrated into the educational process of the university. The guys not only study and take exams online, but also ta...

30 December 2020
Questioning students to determine spiritual and moral values, patriotism and youth guidelines

In order to identify life guidelines, spiritual and moral values ​​and patriotism among university students, the department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" with the technical support of the Strategy and Quality of Education Department conducted a survey. It was attended by 1846 (27%) full-time undergraduate students from all faculties. Stud...

29 December 2020
Prize-winners and the winner of CYS competition are named

To stimulate students to engage in science, the Council of Young Scientists of Kozybayev University held a video competition "Remote approach to scientific activity" among students of 1-4 courses. The guys had to shoot and edit a video describing their research work in a pandemic. Students of three faculties decided to take part: pedagogical, hist...

28 December 2020
Kozybayev University took part in the general meeting of the Association of Educational and Scientific Institutions "Siberian Open University"

During the online event, representatives of the leadership of the Councils of Rectors of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Siberian Federal District, as well as the Tomsk region, heads of universities-members of associations of Russia and Kazakhstan, non-profit associations and public organizations spoke. The meeting discussed the ro...

28 December 2020
Expanding the horizons of cooperation

At the university, a cooperation agreement was signed between Kozybayev University and Cool Infinity LLP. This will allow in the future to implement joint projects aimed at training university specialists, improving the qualifications of Cool Infinity employees on the basis of the IRAT of the university. Acting Chairman of the Executive Board - Re...

25 December 2020
Kozybayev University as part of the Council for Students of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kozybayev University Master's student Bogdan Petrov became a member of the Council for Students of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is an advisory body, created on the initiative of the head of the department Askhat Aimagambetov. The main task is to create a dialogue platform directly between students of hig...

25 December 2020
HSM students won prizes in the international online Olympiad

The international online Olympiad for students of medical universities "Samarkand-2020" has ended. It was held on the basis of the Samarkand State Medical Institute (Uzbekistan) and brought together 2000 participants from different CIS countries. Kazakhstan was represented by students from medical universities in Almaty, Karaganda and Petropavlovsk...

24 December 2020
Meeting of students with psychologists on anti-corruption issues

Kozybayev University hosted an online seminar for students of various specialties on the topic: "Who wins and who loses in corruption games?" The meeting was organized by the psychological service of the university, with the involvement of a specialist psychologist of the Anti-Corruption Department in the North Kazakhstan region. During the event,...

21 December 2020
Solemn event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, employees and teachers of Kozybayev University were awarded diplomas and letters of thanks for significant achievements in education and active labor activity. The solemn ceremony was held in compliance with all sanitary standards. Acting Chairman of the Executive Board - Rector Yer...

15 December 2020
Cooperation with Altai State University is developing

During November, our teachers, Candidates of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professors of the Department of "Physics" Sergei Sartin and Pavel Leontiev underwent a scientific internship at Altai State University (Barnaul, RF) on the topic: "Methods for studying the structural state of modern materials". This became possible thanks to a bilatera...

14 December 2020
Employees of the project office "Sanaly urpaq" received awards

The last month of the outgoing year is always full of bright events. These are not only New Year's chores, but also important public holidays and memorable dates. The beginning of December turned out to be fruitful for the compliance academics of the project office "Sanaly urpaq" Kozybayev University. In honor of the International Day against Corr...

11 December 2020
The problems of studying the history of the Golden Horde were discussed at an international conference at our university

Kozybayev University hosted an international scientific and practical conference "Problems of Studying the History of the Golden Horde: Revealing and Interpreting Historical Sources". The event was held by the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Research "Rukhani Zhangyru" of our university within the framework of the grant project of the Science ...

10 December 2020
University Students Discuss Academic Dishonesty

On the international day against corruption, the "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" department, together with the project office "Sanaly urpaq", conducted an in-depth interview for the university students in the format of a focus group on the topic: "Academic honesty: student - teacher". During the discussion, students named such types of acad...

09 December 2020
Lecture hall for students "Belarusians of Kazakhstan: in a single family"

Belarusians are one of the many ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan. The history of the origin of Belarusians, religious beliefs, traditions and customs, the formation of statehood, modern development and sights of Belarus, Kazakh-Belarusian relations, the preservation of ethnocultural identity and the activities of ethnocultural centers in Kazakhst...

09 December 2020
University Master's student Bogdan Petrov spoke to the President at the closing of the Year of Volunteer

The official closing ceremony of the Year of the Volunteer was held at the Republican Front Office "Birgemiz" with online participation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev and activists from 17 regions of the country. The head of state highly appreciated the activities of the volunteers of Kazakhstan and thanked th...

08 December 2020
Remote meeting in the open space format of volunteers and university management

"Open space" dedicated to the International Volunteer Day was held at Kozybayev University. The online meeting with the management of the university was attended by students who participate in the "Social Student Loan" program, volunteer proctors, volunteer tutors, eco-volunteers and others. Acting Chairman of the Executive Board - Rector Yerbol I...

08 December 2020
Kozybayev University student won the Republican Olympiad

The Republican subject Olympiad on the educational program "Economics" was held at L. Gumilyov ENU. More than 40 students from various universities of the country took part in it. They competed in knowledge in the "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" discipline. Kozybayev University was represented by Timur Aitullin, Dmitry Volkov and Yuri Efimenko....

07 December 2020
Online seminar for doctoral students

Pavel Petrov, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of Kozybayev University, conducted an online seminar for doctoral students of our university on the topic: "Results and prospects of scientific activity". The meeting was dedicated to clarifying the features of information platforms,,, www...

07 December 2020