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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Cooperation between M. Kozybayev NKSU and the Yakut State Agricultural Academy is in full swing

M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan state University has been actively cooperating with the Yakut State Agricultural Academy, Sakha Republic, Russia for 3 years. Every year, according to the academic mobility program, our students go to study at the partner University, and their children come to study at the M. Kozybaev NKSU. The exchange of teachers for...

26 February 2020
Modern pedagogical education: traditions, achievements, innovations

Problems of modernization of the education system, the teachers' work in terms of updated content, prepare in-demand professionals, meets the challenges of time is discussed in the University at the International scientific-practical conference "Modern education: traditions, achievements, innovations", devoted to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunan...

26 February 2020
The library of the M. Kozybayev NKSU launched the book marathon "Abaibookdating", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev

The book marathon "Abaibookdating" was launched among the visitors of libraries of universities of Kazakhstan and is intended to popularize the work of the great classic. Abay Kunanbayev-poet, philosopher, composer, educator, thinker, public figure, founder of Kazakh written literature. Abay's "The Book of Words" are an invaluable asset of our peo...

25 February 2020
Открытие Года Волонтера в СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева

В университете состоялось открытие Года волонтера. К слову, всего в вузе более 360 человек вовлечено в эту деятельность. В торжественном мероприятии приняли участие различные организации, занимающиеся добровольчеством: поисковый отряд «FILSIDE»,  СКОФ «Jasyl El», СКОФ благотворительного фонда «Харекет» и, конечно, наша альма-матер. Перед ребятами ...

25 February 2020
Серебряные награды завоевали спортсменки СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева на региональном турнире по футзалу

На базе СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева прошел региональный  турнир по футзалу. Казахстанская студенческая девичья Лига собрала спортсменок из вуза, колледжей и спортивных организаций г. Петропавловска. Порядка 70 футболисток  представляли на соревнованиях 7 команд. В комфортных условиях обновленного спортзала первого корпуса шли напряженные поединки. Девуш...

25 February 2020
For the first time, the regional competition "RED SPARK 2020" was held at the M. Kozybayev NKSU

We haven't seen such a large amount of young and creative energy that flooded the M. Kozybayev NKSU for a long time. The regional competition of startup projects "RED SPARK 2020", held at our University with the support of the regional chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken", brought together innovators aged 16 to 29 years. The students presented their...

24 February 2020
The students' knowledge of Kazakh, Russian, English, German and French languages was checked at the M. Kozybayev NKSU

Every year, our University hosts a subject Olympiad for students in language disciplines. It was organized by the Institute of language and literature among students in grades 10-11 of the city and districts of the North Kazakhstan region. It was attended by more than 200 children from secondary schools and gymnasiums of Petropavlovsk, as well as ...

24 February 2020
VIII Зимняя Универсиада – первые медали в копилке СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева

В г.Усть-Каменогорск стартовала VIII Зимняя Универсиада, посвященная 1150-летию аль-Фараби. В ней принимают участие представители 12 вузов страны, а это около 1000 студентов. Спортсмены состязаются в пяти видах спорта: зимнем президентском многоборье, керлинге, спортивном ориентировании, биатлоне и лыжных гонках. Ярко представляют родную альма-мате...

24 February 2020
Our players are in the top three at the international tournament

The national team of M. Kozybayev NKSU took the 3rd prize in the International futsal tournament dedicated to the memory of the Director of the College Begalin Suindik Kazakanovich. Also, a student of the specialty "Physical culture and sports" Adil Imanov became the winner in the category "Best striker". Congratulations to our athletes!

23 February 2020
International conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of doctor of chemical sciences, Professor Vladilen Polyakov

The annual international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of science and education in the field of natural and agricultural Sciences" was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of doctor of chemical sciences, professor V. Polyakov. Vladilen Polyakov is the author of 265 publications, the owner of 13 copyright certificates of the USS...

21 February 2020
Raid on dormitories of M. Kozybayev NKSU

At M. Kozybaev NKSU, 1,544 students live in 4 dormitories on the campus and on Teatralnaya street, as well as on two floors of the 10th building that have been converted into residential premises. This week, activists of the youth wing "Jas Otan", together with employees of the project office "Adaldyk alany", party members "Nur Otan", deputies of ...

21 February 2020
"Art is communication with people...»

Students and teachers of the M. Kozybayev NKSU visited the literary living room "New names in the poetry of Northern Kazakhstan", organized by the APK together with Professor Zinaida Tabakova. With the words: "Art is communication with people", the poetry evening was opened. The event was accompanied poems of great poets Anna Gorokhovodatskaya, Al...

21 February 2020
В вузе разработаны 11 новых образовательных программ

В СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева состоялась презентация новых образовательных программ 2020 года. Отвечая требованиям времени, наш университет постоянно стремится внедрять прогрессивные компетенции для своих студентов. Теперь образовательные программы, по которым готовятся специалисты в СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева формируются Академическими комитетами, в которые,...

21 February 2020
Вопросы трудоустройства выпускников программы «Серпін» обсудили со студентами

В СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева была проведена информационная встреча со студентами выпускных курсов программы «Серпін» по вопросам их трудоустройства в Северо-Казахстанской области. В мероприятии приняли участие сотрудники Управления координации занятости и социальных программ СКО, в том числе отдела по оказанию государственных услуг, работе с оралманами...

21 February 2020
M. Kozybayev NKSU and AgroLab LLP signed a Memorandum on cooperation

In a solemn ceremony, the document was signed by Acting rector Yerbol Issakayev and his Deputy General Director Dmitry Usov. This is a unique opportunity for the University to train specialists with modern research skills. It is planned to cooperate in the field of introducing precision farming elements and applying the results of agrochemical soi...

20 February 2020
В СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева проходят юбилейные мероприятия, посвященные 1150-летию аль-Фараби

В текущем году все прогрессивное сообщество будет отмечать 1150-летие гения восточной средневековой мысли Абу Насра аль-Фараби. В нашем университете также запланирован ряд  юбилейных мероприятий. 20 февраля состоялся круглый стол: «Аль-Фараби – вчера, сегодня, завтра». На нем будущие историки и журналисты рассмотрели различные аспекты многогранног...

20 February 2020
Продолжается плодотворное сотрудничество СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева с сельхозтоваропроизводителями региона

Представители агробизнеса – надежные партнеры и частые гости в стенах нашей альма-матер. Они заинтересованы в квалифицированных молодых специалистах, вуз – в трудоустройстве выпускников. Помимо этого на базе агропредприятий созданы 10 отделений кафедр агротехнологического факультета (ТОО «Петерфельд-Агро», к/х «Леонов», птицефабрики СКО и другие), ...

20 February 2020
Разговор по душам со студентами

Встречи  в формате  «open space» руководства университета со студентами обещают стать регулярными в СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева. Первая из таких прошла 19 февраля.  И.о. ректора  Ербол Исакаев  в неформальной обстановке поговорил, что называется, по душам с волонтерами университета. Всего в волонтерское движение вуза вовлечено более 370 человек. Однако ...

19 February 2020
The centenary of the newspaper "Soltústik Qazaqstan" was celebrated in the M. Kozybayev NKSU

The international scientific and practical conference "Soltústik Qazaqstan" - chronicle of the century" was held at the M. Kozybayev NKSU. Its participants were scientists from Kazakhstan and Russia, veterans of journalism, representatives of the media, scientific and creative intelligentsia, public figures, teachers and University students. The a...

18 February 2020
In the M. Kozybayev NKSU conducts courses "Abaytanu" for students of all faculties

A soulful poet, sensitive and deep thinker, Abay Kunanbayev will live in the memory and consciousness of the people for centuries. In the year of its 175th anniversary, it is important not only to hold a number of events dedicated to this significant event, but also to convey to young people the high ideals of the poet, to reveal the essence of his...

18 February 2020
About the intricacies of publishing in journals with nonzero impact factor reported by young scientists of M. Kozybayev NKSU

One of the main criteria for the importance of scientific journals in the world of modern science is the journal's impact factor (IF) - an indicator determined by the number of citations or links to articles in a given periodical. This mechanism was used for the first time in the 60s of the twentieth century in the United States. Currently, in Kaza...

17 February 2020
Students of the M. Kozybayev NKSU met with employees of the Department countering extremism of the North Kazakhstan region Police Department

Countering terrorism is one of the priorities in ensuring the country's national security. Kazakhstan strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms and supports the adoption of collective efforts by the international community to combat this phenomenon. Increasingly, the younger generation is joining the ranks of terrorists. Due to their inexperienc...

17 February 2020
The secrets of family happiness were told to the students of M. Kozybayev NKSU

"The tree is held by the roots, and the person by the family" - says popular wisdom. A healthy and happy family is not just a unit of society. It makes an invaluable contribution to the development of a new generation, society and culture. How to build relationships within it? How to avoid mistakes and overcome difficulties? Experts spoke about thi...

15 February 2020
The coverage of NKR students is growing

The professional orientation delegation of the M. Kozybayev NKSU continues to visit the regions of North Kazakhstan region. This week, employees and teachers of the University visited the districts of Magzhan Zhumabayev, Zhambyl, Yessil and Akzhar. First, representatives of the University met with students from the village of Poludino and Bulayevo...

14 February 2020
Life is a struggle. The University held an Open regional tournament for the Rector's Cup

More than 80 athletes of the North Kazakhstan region gathered at the M. Kozybayev NKSU for an Open regional freestyle wrestling tournament dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev. 6 teams took part in the competition for the rector's Cup: students from 4 districts of NKR and Petropavlovsk. They competed in 10 weight categories from 48...

14 February 2020