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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


We are proud, remember and love

According to tradition, on the eve of May 9, the students of NKSU military department on the main square of the university demonstrated their military skills before veterans of Great Patriotic War and labor veterans, teachers and students of the university. The event was dedicated to two outstanding events in the history of our country - the Day o...

08 May 2013
Victory in regional competition of research projects

There are summarised results of the regional competition of students research projects  on problems of defending the homeland, security in the world, military construction, military-patriotic education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of Physical Education Faculty in NKSU named after M. Kozybayev. Organizers of the ...

22 April 2013
The visit of ASIIN experts

From 17 to 18 April 2013 German experts of the accreditation agency ASIIN visited NKSU named after M. Kozybayev. The group of experts assessed the quality of educational programs 5B071800 Power Engineering, 6M071800 Power Engineering and 5B071600 Instrument Engineering. For the university it was the first experience of international accreditation ...

19 April 2013
Music through the Ages

April 16 there was an evening party "Music through the Ages" for students living in hostels. The organizer of the event was the teacher of the Kazakh language Bayan Batyrova. In improvised music room students talked about contemporary music, composers and performers of the 60-80 years of the past age. They also showed numbers in various national g...

19 April 2013
Congratulations to the winners of the Republican Olympiad

On the basis of Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan (Almaty) on 29-30 March 2013 there was the Republican Olympiad on specialty groups "Foreign Languages." Congratulations to the winners, students of specialties 5B011900 "Foreign language: two foreign languages" and 5B020700 "Translation Studies"...

10 April 2013
Встреча депутатов мажилиса со студентами

На прошлой неделе депутаты Мажилиса Парламента РК Бақытжан Ертаев и Талғат Ерғалиев встретились со студентами СКГУ им. М.Козыбаева. Депутаты мажилиса ознакомились с материально-техническим оснащением военной кафедры университета. Сегодня на военной кафедре обучается 250 студентов. На кафедре имеется техника, обучающая студентов вождению на специал...

09 April 2013
University staff discussed the interview with the Minister of Education and Science

April 2, 2013 the staff of NKSU named after M.Kozybayev discussed the interview with the Minister of Education and Science Bakhytzhan Zhumagulov "The quality of education is important for all of us", published in the newspaper "Kazakhstan Today". In an interview with the Minister, there was a talk about the activities implemented in the framework ...

09 April 2013
Medalists of Kazakhstan in weight lifting

Recently, our students have returned from the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan on weight lifting, where they took six prizes. Silver winners were: Alexander Marchuk, Master of Sports, 3rd year student ILL Mariya Naumova, a 1st year student, PEF Nurzhan Beketov, a 1st year student, HLF Bronze medals went to PEF freshmen: Radik Ars...

09 April 2013
Congratulations to the winners of the Republican Olympiad on geography!

On March 27 finished National Olympiad on specialty "Geography", which took place in West Kazakhstan State University (Uralsk). Our fourth-year students Enshina Lily and Dina Shugulova took part in this Olympiad. Dina became the second, and Lily - the winner of the contest. Finally, the girls won the first place in the team overall. Associate prof...

05 April 2013
Nauryz: Festival of spring and abundance

Nauryz celebration is one of the oldest in the world; it is celebrated for over five thousand years. Nevertheless, despite the remoteness, it remained in people's memory, and now has a new spiritual meaning. In our university, all faculties, institute of language and literature and multi-profiled college presented their improvised holiday yurts. A...

05 April 2013
Winner of the International Competition "IT Planet"

Azat Zhakenov and Svetlana Maranova, 4th year students of ITF. Recently, they came from the regional round of international students’ Olympiad in the field of information technologies "IT Planet", which was held in ENU named after Gumilev. Students did not return empty-handed. The third place in the event of such level is very good result. Such co...

29 March 2013
Amateur concert party on the day of the theater

International Day of Theatre is celebrated all over the world on March 27th. In our university, there are three national students’ theaters. They always spend this holiday very interesting. According to tradition, on this day the troupe prepares performances itself. Therefore, a sketch comedy "Detective Story" became a gift, not only for the audie...

29 March 2013
Architecture and Building Exhibition of TyumSAEU in our university

One of the important activities of our university is to strengthen cooperation with other universities and research centers. Especially close links are established with universities in neighboring regions of Russia. So in NKSU named after M.Kozybayev students and teachers of Tyumen State Architectural University presented exhibition of works. Its a...

29 March 2013
Surveillance audit

In order to test the quality management system in NKSU named after M. Kozybayev to ISO 9001:2008 from 18 to 20 March in our university there was annual inspection audit. Expert of Certification Association «Russian Register Eurasia» Lyudmila Pan conducted it. Improvement of documents quality and records management, the introduction of information ...

29 March 2013
KVN final games in the state language

KVN final games in the state language were spent at the university on March 19. Three teams took part in the games. There was everything: accurate and relevant jokes, laughter and applause from the audience. As a result, the third place took the team of ILL, the second – the team of MEF, and, university league winners became members of Engineering ...

20 March 2013
Awarding diplomas to masters

13.03.2013 in our high school diplomas were awarded to masters of Omsk State Pedagogical University from the number of teachers and staff of our University. Five of our masters completed their education on pedagogical and political sciences last year, and this year their number had risen to 36 people. Vice-Rector OmSPU Nadezhda Chekaleva, Directo...

14 March 2013
Круглый стол

13.03.2013 Прошел круглый стол «Цитирование или плагиат?» в рамках подготовки к выполнению курсового проекта по информационным системам. Отв. за проведение: доц. Куликова В.П. (М) проф. Куликов В.П. (ИС). Участники: студенты группы Ин(е)-10.

16 July 2013
March 8th in NKSU named after M.Kozybaev

According to tradition, on the eve of March 8 our university held a solemn meeting for all female employees, academic staff and students of the university. The room was in an atmosphere of celebration: smiles sparkled, warm words were heard everywhere. Rector of NKSU named after M.Kozybaev Undasyn Ashimov congratulated everyone on International W...

11 March 2013
Полуфинал университетской лиги КВН

В университете прошли полуфинальные игры КВН на русском языке, в них принимали участие сборные 8-ми факультетов и Института языка и литературы. По традиции, игры проводились в течении двух дней, по их итогам в финал прошли сборные факультетов информационных технологий, истории и права, физической культуры, естественно-географического, а так же кома...

06 March 2013

5.03.2013 Преподаватель кафедры "Иностранные языки" Степаненко В.Г. провела конкурс на лучший поэтический перевод с английского языка на русский стихотворения "Love me" в рамках Дней Науки.

02 April 2013
Жігіт сұлтаны

Конкурсы среди мужчин проводятся редко, но в нашем университете уже во второй раз прошел конкурс «Жігіт сұлтаны». В этом году участниками стали 11 ребят со всех факультетов нашего вуза. Выйти на сцену и показать себя – задание не из легких. Ведь соперники сильные и в выступлении важна каждая мелочь. Перед жюри стоял нелегкий выбор. И пока они о...

02 March 2013
Olympiad for schoolchildren

On February 23 Institute of Language and Literature held a linguistic Olympiad for schoolchildren of Petropavlovsk. 210 schoolchildren from 34 schools took part in it. They competed in the knowledge of Kazakh, Russian, English and German languages. Before the beginning of competitions, each Department of the Institute presented their specialties.

26 February 2013
My future profession

On 22 February NKSU named after M. Kozybayev held Regional Conference "My future profession", where NKO law enforcement authorities and the service center of the population introduced to the students of history and law faculty new points of the legislation about employment. Dean of History and Law Faculty Sabyr Ibraev opened the conference. He tha...

25 February 2013
Tan Sholpan

On February 15 in NKSU named after M. Kozybayev there was the IV-th regional competition of vocal performance "Tan Sholpan". 30 young talents from all over the city of Petropavlovsk and North-Kazakhstan region took part in this competition. This contest was devoted to the 35th anniversary of Music and Education Faculty. It was very difficult for t...

21 February 2013
New specialties

NKSU named after M.Kozybaev got a license for educational activity on three new bachelor specialties: 5B090600 Cultural and leisure work (Chair of musical disciplines) 5B072700 Technology of food products (Chair of Organic Chemistry and   Macromolecular Chemistry), 5B080200 Production technology of livestock products (Chair of Agriculture), with fu...

20 February 2013