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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Вуз посетил космонавт Айдын Аимбетов

Значимым событием этой недели стал визит космонавта, полковника ВВС Айдына Аимбетова в наш университет. Айдын Аимбетов – первый гражданин суверенного Казахстана, совершивший полет в космос, третий казах-космонавт, 545 космонавт мира. Для сотрудников и студентов университета встреча с ним стала поистине историческим событием. Он обошел 700 казахст...

18 March 2016
В университете состоялась встреча студентов со специалистами по делам религий СКО

Чем отличается нетрадиционная религия от деструктивной, в чем разница и угроза? Как отгородить себя и своих близких от религиозного экстремизма и вербовки в различные группировки. На эти и другие вопросы студенты получили ответы от специалистов по делам религий СКО. Религиозный экстремизм, который так активно пропагандируется среди молодежи, все б...

16 March 2016
В университете провели региональную научно-практическую конференцию «Земля родная»

В нашем университете прошла региональная научно-практическая конференция «Земля родная», приуроченная к 25-летию независимости Республики Казахстан. В работе конференции приняли участие представители общественных организаций, учителя школ города,  руководство вуза, преподаватели и студенты. Углубиться в историю более раннего периода, обогатить баг...

16 March 2016
The university's students take part in the anti-nuclear online forum

Thhis year Kazakhstan will celebrate the 25th anniversary of closing of Semipalatinsk nuclear testing ground. on 10 March students of our universities have participated in the Republican youth anti-nuclear online forum "The world baton - to youth!" devoted to this event. The leader of the national anti-nuclear movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk" Olzhas...

11 March 2016
Within the Memorandum of cooperation the specialists of "DAMU" Entrepreneurship Development Fund" will conduct business-trainings for students

Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University and  "DAMU" Entrepreneurship Development Fund" JSC have signed the Memorandum of cooperation. Henceforth specialists of consulting companies will conduct free business-trainings for our students. "Supporting the entrepreneurial initiatives among students" was the topic of the first training, which...

11 March 2016
Annual festival "Alaman" is started

Students studying on the program "Serpin-2050" can show their worth in 10 various contests once again. There are contests on table games among them. Chess, draughts, Kazakh national game "Togyzkumalak", this sport types require concentration and attentiveness. This year 1 and 2 year students of musical and pedagogical faculty have come to fight fo...

11 March 2016
Concert devoted to the International Women's Day was held at the university

International Women's Day is celebrated the university for a long time. On this day, our ladies have received a special honor from men. The solemn meeting devoted to the holiday is a proof for it. As usual, at the beginning of the meeting the rector of the University Undasyn Ashimov has congratulated the beautiful half of the university and has exp...

09 March 2016
Day of Thanks is celebrated at the university

Kazakhstan people have a new holiday. The President Nursultan Nazarbayev has proposed to celebrate Day of Thanks at the XXII session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. It's the day of charity of all ethnic groups together. Henceforth this holiday will be celebrated on the first day of the spring. it is no mere chance that Nursultan Nazarbaye...

05 March 2016
Students NKSU took the prizes at the Republican Olympiad on foreign languages

Students of specialties "Foreign language: two foreign languages" and "Translation studies" came back from Almaty, where on 26 and 27 February in Kazakh UAblai khan university of International Relations and world languages held an annual Republican subject Olympiad on specialty groups "Foreign languages". This year, on German language the students...

03 March 2016
The university has conducted VII vocal performance competition "Tan Sholpan"

For the seventh time in our university it's held a vocal performance competition "Tan Sholpan". This year 30 persons have presented their talents. Regional Vocal Competition has gathered talented people. Each artist has chosen the direction, where his talent is revealed in full - a bright and original. At the competition songs are sounded in diffe...

03 March 2016
The Olympiad in Biology is summed up

The Olympiad results in biology held on 26 February, 2016 among the comprehensive schools of the city and region № Name of educational institution Points 1 Presnov secondary school №2 65 2 Secondary school-kindergarten № 26 of Petropavlovsk 57,5 3 Secondary school №43 named af...

01 March 2016
The essay contest "The history of my family - the history of my country" was summed up

on 29 February, 2016 in M. Kozybayev NKSU it was summed up the essay contest "The history of my family - the history of my country" dedicated to the Thanksgiving Day. The organizer of the contest was Assembly of People of Kazakhstan department of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan state university. The joint organizer of the essay contest was departmen...

29 February 2016
A training seminar is conducted at the university

on 26 February, 2016 a training seminar on the theme "Preparing of a scientific and journalistic text, report on the media for interconfessional tolerance and interethnic harmony" was conducted at the university. The branch "Bolashak" of the party "Nur Otan" was as the joint organizer of the seminar. The aim of the training seminar was the acquai...

29 February 2016
The Chairman of the Republican Coordination Council of the social project "Serpin-2050" has visited our university

A meeting of students studying on the program "Serpin" and the Chairman of the Republican Coordination Council of this program Murat Abenov was held in our university. The former vice-minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Murat Abdulamitovich came to check how the program "Serpin-2050" was realised in the North Kazakhstan ...

29 February 2016
The students of our university have participated in the republican seminar-training

The nation plan "100 concrete steps" was voiced by the President in the XVI congress of the party "Nur Otan". It was aimed at the realization of 5 institutional reforms. A complex of events dedicated to the realization of tasks was approved. One of events was the participation of 20 students of our universities in the republican seminar-training "...

29 February 2016
The photocontest "The many faces of my Kazakhstan" is summed up

On 25 February, 2016 the oblast photocontest "The many faces of my Kazakhstan" was summed up in M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan state university. The organizer of the contest was Assembly of People of Kazakhstan department of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan state university. The contest was conducted in order to strengthen the Kazakh identity based o...

25 February 2016
The regional exhibition-contest of pictures and placards "Prosper, my Kazakhstan!" is summed up

On 24 February, 2016 it was organized the regional exhibition-contest of pictures and placards "Prosper, my Kazakhstan!" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan state university. The organizer of the contest was the department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of...

24 February 2016
The international scientific-practical conference on natural and agricultural sciences is held in the university

In our university it was held the IV International scientific-practical conference "Topical problems of education and science in the field of agriculture and natural sciences". This year more than 150 authors have presented more 90 scientific works in this conference. Has become a traditional event attracts more and more attention of the scientific...

24 February 2016
The national team of NKSU has returned with victories from the Universiade

Last week, students of our university returned from the VI Winter Universiade in Kazakhstan, which was held in Almaty. Over thousands of student-athletes from across the country competed for prizes in 10 sports types, 5 of which were attended by our guys. They returned home with a victory at the presidential combined event, speed skating and biathl...

24 February 2016
The city contest of readers is summed up

on 19 February, 2016 the city contest of readers "Oral tradition of Kazakhstan nation" was held in M. Kozybayev NKSU, which was dedicated to the International Mother Language day (21 February). The organizer of the contest was Assembly of People of Kazakhstan department. The contest was conducted in order to keep and develop mother languages of th...

22 February 2016
В университете прошел конкурс "Жігіт сұлтаны"

Женские конкурсы красоты уже давно стали привычными, а вот среди представителей сильной половины человечества такие состязания – редкость. Конкурс «Жігіт сұлтаны» проводится в нашем университете уже в пятый раз. В нем  юноши, представители всех факультетов демонстрируют свои творческие способности, смекалку, а также проявляют задатки лидерских каче...

19 February 2016
NKSU team took the third place at the VI Winter Universiade of Kazakhstan universities

on 6-17 February, 2016 it took place the VI Winter Universiade of Kazakhstan universities in Almaty. The program of the universiade includes 10 sports types: cross country skiing, biathlon, presidental combined events, winter orientiring, alpine skiing, snowboard, skating, short track, ski jumping and ice hockey. According to the results of games...

18 February 2016
The university has concluded an agreement on social partnership with JSC "SEVKAZENERGO"

For the first time, our studnts can become an owners of the nominal corporative scholarships. Students will be provided with this possibility by JSC "SEVKAZENERGO". M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan state university and JSC "SEVKAZENERGO" has concluded an agreement on social partnership at the end of the last year. The main regional supplier of energy...

17 February 2016
Для студентов университета прочитан цикл профилактических лекций на тему религиозного экстремизма

Ни один выпуск новостей в последнее время не обходятся без освещения этой злободневной темы. Религиозный экстремизм на сегодняшний день представляет собой одну из самых опасных угроз мировой цивилизации. Чаще всего под влияние радикальных группировок попадают молодые ребята с несформировавшимся мировоззрением. В связи с этим для студентов нашего ун...

12 February 2016
Институт языка и литературы провел конференцию, посвященную деятельности Герольда Бельгера

«Герольд Бельгер – Образцовый Сын Казахского Народа». Такое название получила региональная научно-практическая конференция, посвященная деятельности Герольда Карловича Бельгера. Известный казахстанский писатель, переводчик, публицист и общественный деятель Г. Бельгер умер 7 февраля прошлого года. Конференцию открыла директор ИЯиЛ Таласпаева Ж.С. На...

12 February 2016