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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева на Форуме волонтёров Казахстана «Birlik»

В эти часы в столице проходит первый день Форума волонтёров Казахстана «Birlik». В нем принимают участие представители  СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева Богдан Петров, Наталья Перминова, Жамиля Туякбай и Альфараби Мынбай.  До обеда ребята прослушали лекции лидеров добровольческого движения Казахстана на площадках, посвящённым образовательному, корпоративному...

11 December 2019
Рост стипендий и конкретные меры: СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева на закрытии Года молодежи

10 декабря 2019 года останется в истории нашей страны как день подведения итогов Года молодежи и презентации Года волонтера. Наш университет на данной церемонии представляли комплаенс офицер проектного офиса «Sanaly urpaq», магистрант специальности «Журналистика» Богдан Петров и молодой предприниматель, студент 2 курса Жанат Какимов.  Представител...

11 December 2019
Students AGAINST corruption

On December 9, 2019, on the international day of the fight against corruption, the Department “Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” and the project office “Sanaly Urpak” of M. Kozybayev NKSU held a focus group with university student activism. Students were given the opportunity to form a collective opinion and make specific proposals to combat c...

10 December 2019
Ближе к своим абитуриентам. Делегация СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева побывала в Кызылжарском районе

Ежегодно руководство университета, ответственный секретарь приемной комиссии, деканы и преподаватели проводят встречи с выпускниками школ из разных уголков Северо-Казахстанской области. 9 декабря состоялся выезд в аул Бесколь. Участие в профориентационном мероприятии приняли учащиеся 23 школ Кызылжарского района,  это более 200 детей. Традиционно д...

09 December 2019
Республиканский слет председателей КДМ и Альянса студентов Казахстана

В г.Нур-Султан состоялся 1-й республиканский слет председателей Комитетов по делам молодежи и Альянса студентов Казахстана. В главный город нашей страны съехались более 200 лидеров органов самоуправления высших и средне-специальных учебных заведений со всех регионов. Наш университет представлял Богдан Петров. Программа мероприятия была достаточно ...

09 December 2019
Неравнодушие, горящие сердца и желание помогать людям: в университете прошел Форум волонтеров

В СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева состоялся Форум волонтеров. В нем приняли участие различные организации г. Петропавловска, занимающиеся добровольческой деятельностью: Клуб волонтер СКО, АНК, движение «Волонтеры – медики», отряды «Жасыл ел» и, конечно, наша альма-матер. К слову, всего в вузе более 350 человек вовлечено в волонтерство. На выставке ребята пре...

09 December 2019
Воркшоп в СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева с участием зарубежных ученых

Для обсуждения темы: «Менеджмент в  здравоохранении и туризме: новые рубежи экономики и благосостояния в глобализированном мире» выбрана прогрессивная форма проведения мероприятия – воркшоп. А это значит - никаких скучных докладов и строгого регламента, здесь важны интерактив, возможность свободно выражать свое мнение и комментировать высказываемые...

09 December 2019
В десятке лучших: достижения, вопросы, потенциал

В вузе состоялась презентация официального сайта СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева: «В десятке лучших: достижения, вопросы, потенциал», в котором приняли участие руководители структурных подразделений,преподаватели и студенты. Напомним, что согласно рейтинга Независимого агентства по обеспечению качества в образовании (НАОКО) среди веб-сайтов высших учебных за...

09 December 2019
Days of Armenian culture in the M. Kozybayev NKSU

M. Kozybayev NKSU is one big family, which includes representatives of 38 nationalities. Armenians are one of the numerous ethnic groups that make up the top ten in terms of the number of students at M. Kozybayev NKSU. As part of the days of Armenian culture dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, on December 3, ...

05 December 2019
Students of M. Kozybayev NKSU in the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

25 students of M. Kozybayev NKSU took part in a training seminar "The path to the future begins with everyone" in the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy in Nur-Sultan. For two days, doctors and candidates of sciences gave lectures to the children on the history of the country, the fourth industrial revolution, th...

05 December 2019
Event with national flavor, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On December 4, an event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Museum of History of M. Kozybayev NKSU. Representatives of 34 ethnic groups study at our university. In a friendly university family, each of them feels comfortable. At the conference, the guys talked about their customs, culture, arts and crafts...

05 December 2019
Representatives of regional primary party organizations at a meeting with Bauyrzhan Baibek

On November 27, Nur-Sultan hosted a meeting of the First Deputy Chairman of the Nur Otan Party Bauyrzhan Baibek with representatives of regional primary party organizations to discuss the development of remote areas and villages of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by over 40 delegates from all regions of the country. M. Kozybaуev ...

05 December 2019
Индийско-казахстанская образовательная конференция: привлекательность вузов РК для иностранных студентов растёт

27 ноября в Нур-Султане состоялась первая индийско-казахстанская образовательная конференция под председательством посла Индии в РК Шри Прабхат Кумара. Тема встречи - обсуждение вопросов, касающихся индийских студентов, получающих высшее медицинское образование в нашей стране: академическая и воспитательная работа, материально - техническое обеспеч...

05 December 2019
Employees of the Department of Police of the NKR met with students of the Foundation faculty

For Kazakhstani students of the Faculty of Foundation, who arrived from abroad, a meeting was held at the M.Kozybayev NKSU with Samat Bazylov, senior inspector of the Directorate of Migration Service of DP NKR, Zhanat Sagyntai and Sabit Zhusupov, senior inspectors of the Department of Migration Service of DP NKR, a passportist of the center of regi...

29 November 2019
Solemn event on the eve of First President's Day

An event dedicated to the Day of the First President was held at M. Kozybayev NKSU, to which teachers, doctoral students, master students and bachelor students were invited. The thematic hour was held in an open dialogue format. The process of formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, stable and successful development of the state over the past 30 y...

29 November 2019
Gymnastics show - 2019

On November 28, a gymnastic show was held at M. Kozybayev NKSU, in which 5 student teams from all university departments took part, as well as students from the North Kazakhstan Regional Specialized Boarding School for children gifted in sports. Candidates for a master of sports in acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, a workout group "Bar-Sky" and even...

29 November 2019
The multifaceted talent of Abay Kunanbayev inspires youth today

On November 28, a literary and musical evening "Uly Khalyktyk - Uly Abay" was held at the M. Kozybayev NKSU, dedicated to the great enlightener, thinker, writer and poet Abay Kunanbaev. He had a great influence on Kazakh literature and on the worldview of the people. His works to this day do not lose their relevance.The purpose of the event is to a...

29 November 2019
“I would go to volunteers, let them teach me...”

On November 28, 2019, the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, M. Kozybayev NKSU, held a regional scientific and practical seminar on the topic: “Volunteering as a social phenomenon of Kazakhstani society”, in which representatives of the North Kazakhstan Regional Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan participated as speakers, Sta...

29 November 2019
The teacher of our University Natalia Sheveleva is the winner of the Republican contest "Panorama of pedagogical ideas"

According to the results of the republican contest of video lessons and video lectures “Panorama of pedagogical ideas”, held by the National Center for Continuing Education of Pedagogical Workers “Orleu”, the winner was Natalya Sheveleva, Senior Lecturer of the Institute of Language and Literature, M. Kozybayev NKSU. In total, 33 representatives o...

29 November 2019
M. Kozybayev NKSU warmly welcomed students at an Оpen day

M. Kozybayev NKSU opened its arms to students of 9-11 classes of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums of Petropavlovsk. The traditional open day was held at the Alma mater on November 28. Energetic entertainment program, friendly volunteers and photo zones welcomed guests in the main building of the University. Dance duels gathered dozens of schoolchild...

28 November 2019
The University library has received new books for the project "Rukhani Zhangyru. New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language"

In the library of the M. Kozybayev NKSU entered the third tranche of books for the project "Rukhani Zhangyru. New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh": "Oxford aleumettik gylymdar sozdigi", "Oxford ekonomika sozdigi", "Kazakh tilinin kirme sozder sozdigi", as well as books in Russian - "International law 1", "International law 2", "...

28 November 2019
Indian and Kazakh folk traditions: dialogue of cultures

On November 25, 2019, in the framework of the Days of Indian Culture, a round table was held at the M. Kozybayev NKSU with the participation of university students on the topic “Indian and Kazakh folk traditions: dialogue of cultures” in English. Students in a free form with a presentation of presentations presented the traditions and customs of c...

26 November 2019
IT sphere attracts more and more young people. Serious cyber battles flared up in the M. Kozybayev NKSU

More than 80 participants, 34 teams from schools and colleges in Petropavlovsk, as well as faculties of our university, all without stopping, look at the monitor screens, where virtual battles of the Dota 2 strategy and the Counter Strike shooter are unfolding. For the first time in the history of the University, such large-scale and unusual sport...

25 November 2019
Caring, active, purposeful. Students and undergraduates of M. Kozybayev NKSU at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Berdibek Saparbayev

On November 22, as part of a working visit to the North Kazakhstan region, Deputy Prime Minister Berdibek Saparbayev, as well as Deputy Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Daniyar Yesin and akim of the North Kazakhstan region Kumar Aksakalov talked with the youth of the region on the “open-talks” site at M. ...

25 November 2019
Visit to the University of the Vice Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Vice-minister of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Daniyar Yesin, visited the university. He visited the Sanaly urpaq project office, which is working to build honesty and integrity in students and university staff. Compliance academic officer Bogdan Petrov told Daniyar Nurashovich about the small grant received ...

25 November 2019