Within The Science Week Information technologies faculty has carried out students' scientific conference "The Topical issues of the university's science". Its main aim was to give an opportunity students of the graduating courses to tell about the results of the scientific researches of their diploma papers. The organizers noted the activity on t...
10 April 2015The Quality management system of NKSU has been certified by the association "Russian Register" in 2005. Since that time every year it's experts carry out the conformance certificate check. This year an inspection audit was carried out by the expert of the association Lyudmila Pan. The main task was to check the quality of the documents circulation...
10 April 20153 апреля в вузе была проведена ІІІ международная научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные проблемы науки и образования в области естественных и сельскохозяйственных наук». Конференция была посвящена 90-летнему юбилею со дня рождения мудрого ученого, лауреата государственной премии СССР, писателя и публициста, одаренного переводчика, доктора те...
10 April 2015Yelena Kalinko, Svetlana Vinogradova and Anna Smovdyr - 4 years students of the natural sciences and sports faculty. Most recently they have come back from the republican students' olympiad on biology, which has held in al-Farabi Kazakh national university in Almaty. Our girls have come back not empty-handed. The forth team place and the third pl...
02 April 20151 April - not only Laugh Day also International Bird Day. Traditionally this day is celebrated at the department of "General biology" every year. This year the organizers have decided to carry out a quest-tour "A bird of the year", to attract an attention to the problems of birds. Teachers and students of natural sciences and sports faculty have b...
02 April 2015on 31 March APK department carried out the essay competition "The international friendship is one of the sources of Victory in Great Patriotic War" among students. 11 students of NKSU named after M.Kozybayev participated in the competition. The jury decided to present the award of the diploma considering the competition works of participants: ...
02 April 2015The VII republican students' olympiad on geography was held on 26-27 March at West Kazakhstan state university named after Makhambet Utemisov (Uralsk). 19 teams from 15 universities of the country have participated in it. For the third year in a row the winners of the prestigious scientific competition have been becoming the students of the North K...
01 April 2015on 13 March APK department with the participation of JSC "RO SKO" has conducted the distance olympiad dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War on the theme "Kazakhstan people and the Great Victory". 53 pupils, 4 students of colleges and 33 teachers participated in the competition. In the nomination "History" 46...
31 March 2015«Сделано в Казахстане» – так назывался форум для предпринимателей Северо-Казахстанской области, прошедший на базе нашего университета. На сегодняшний день большое значение в государственной политике придается развитию малого и среднего бизнеса, составляющего основу устойчивой экономики. Проведение форума способствует дальнейшему улучшению бизнес-с...
20 March 2015Совсем недавно сборная Северо-Казахстанской области, в которую вошли шесть спортсменов из нашего вуза, вернулась из Алматы, где проходил чемпионат Республики Казахстан по гиревому спорту. Ребята заняли шесть призовых мест. Пять золотых и одна бронзовая медаль это очень высокий показатель уровня мастерства наших спортсменов. Такая победа была ожидае...
20 March 2015С целью пропаганды здорового образа жизни и неприятия вредных привычек, студентами музыкально-педагогического факультета была проведена интеллектуально-познавательная эстафета «Спорт нас всех объединяет». Участники соревнований были полны сил и уверенности, с легкостью демонстрируя, на что они способны. Люди, ведущие здоровый образ жизни, всегда от...
20 March 2015Дебатный клуб "Анарыс", созданный в нашем университете, активно проводит свою работу, организуя дебатные турниры. Форма проведения интеллектуальных игр – американский или британский парламент, где есть 2 стороны оппонентов, судьи, которых они пытаются убедить в своей точке зрения, а также лидер, координирующий весь процесс. В споре рождается истин...
19 March 2015Институт языка и литературы провел III ежегодную олимпиаду по языковым дисциплинам. Более 150 старшеклассников из разных школ города проверили свои знания по журналистике, русскому, казахскому и иностранным языкам. Это интеллектуальное состязание стало уже традицией. Организаторы отмечают, что количество участников олимпиады растет с каждым годом....
13 March 2015Last week a meeting of students with the deputy chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, honorable professor of NKSU named after M.Kozybayev Anatoliy Bashmakov was held. The lecture was dedicated to the topical themes of the present. They are the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and presidential election. There i...
11 March 2015The Guys of the Club of the smart and the merry pleased their fans with sparkling humour again. Last week the semifinal games of students' KVN league was held at our university. 9 teams from different faculties proved to the audience that they were deserve to participate in the final games. It's not just important to joke on the stage, but also to ...
10 March 2015On 27 February The interheis students conference "The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the legal phenomenon of the modernity" was held. An exhibition of the scientific projects worked at the hall of the first building at start of the conference. Deputy Head of the Department of Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education and Scienc...
02 March 2015Within the educational seminar "A musical illustration of customs and traditions of Kazakh nation" the staff of the department of "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" told students about the role of traditions in the life of Kazakh nation and about its musical instruments. The representatives of Turkish diaspore, teachers and students of the universi...
02 March 2015How must personality form in our society? What problems of social education are there today? These and other questions are answered by the participants of the regional scientific-practical conference "Psychoeducational support of personality". The participants of the conference are directors, teachers and psychologists of the city schools, also tea...
02 March 2015Ежегодный областной конкурс вокального исполнительства «Таң Шолпан», который проходит на сцене нашего университета в шестой раз, порадовал своих гостей яркими выступлениями. Конкурс собрал начинающих певцов из нашего университета, колледжей, общеобразовательных и музыкальных школ, лицеев города и области. Галина Колесникова, зав. кафедрой музыкаль...
25 February 2015The sports festival "Cheerfulness and health-2015" is continuing among teaching staff. There are 13 kinds of sports in the program. Teachers have fought in dumbbell. The results of the competition: I place - History, economic and law faculty II place - Natural sciences and sports faculty III place - Information technologies faculty
25 February 2015Подведены итоги областного конкурса-выставки среди студентов, учащихся колледжей и школьников «Мой многоликий Казахстан», посвященного 20-летию АНК. В конкурсе принял участие 41 человек, из них: 25 школьников, 9 учащихся колледжей города и районов Северо-Казахстанской области, 7 студентов СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева. На рассмотрение жюри было представл...
23 February 2015on 18 February a team members of ASIIN german accreditation agency have arrived at our HEI. The team members are Prof. Dr. Madhukar Chandra, Prof. Dr. Harald Loose, Dr.-Ing. Klaus Pasemann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Rappl, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Saupe, Master Anastasiya Krasnyuk, Prof. Dr. in technical science Manat Beyshenovich Tlebaev and Representativ...
20 February 2015President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his message to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Jol - the way of the future" declared the 2015 year celebration of the 550th anniversary of the founding of the Kazakh Khanate. In honor of this historic date Regional scientific-practical conference "Kazakh Khanate - as the basis of statehood Kazakhs" was held in our ...
20 February 2015Within the university sports contests it has held basketball competitions among girls on 17th-18th February. This year the following teams have taken part in it: Natural sciences and sports faculty, Musical and pedagogical faculty and a picked team of History, economics and law faculty and Institute of language and literature. The fighting was no...
20 February 2015The English club members, students and teachers of the department of "Germanic philology", have conducted a regular exit meeting at picteresque places near the lake Pestroe. The supervisor and idea inspirer of the club is Candidate in Philologycal sciences, Associate Professor of the department Yevgeniy Yuryevich Tetyukhin for 25 years. For teacher...
18 February 2015