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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Results of the DeSTT project implementation

For three years, our university participated in the DeSTT project "Development of leadership skills and training of teachers in leadership" of the international Erasmus+ program. Its coordinator, a representative of the Italian University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Giovani Betta, said that this project is aimed at developing the competencies of...

10 May 2023
Visit of ex-Rector Serik Omirbayev

Today, the doors of the university opened for the rector of Astana IT University, academician of the International Academy of Informatization and the Academy of Economic Sciences of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Economics, ex-rector of Kozybayev University Serik Omirbayev. "In 2001, I became a student of the Law Faculty of the ENU named after L. Gumilyov,...

10 May 2023
"Defender of the Fatherland" – sounds proud!

Defender of the Fatherland Day today symbolizes the unfading honor of the Kazakhstan soldier. Duty to the Motherland and loyalty to the Oath is an honorable duty of every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A solemn event dedicated to May 9 and 7 was held at our university. Renata Apergenova, Member of the Board of Academic Affairs, congratulate...

05 May 2023
We are for zero tolerance to corruption!

The event with the participation of students and representatives of the republican public association "ADILDIK JOLY" was held in the format of an open dialogue – open space. At it, graduate students together with speakers talked about the topical problem of society – corruption. During the meeting, its participants tried to reveal the essence of th...

05 May 2023
Premiere of the play "Voices in the dark"

It is known that a favorite business can unite many people regardless of their specialty. So, future programmers, agronomists, financiers, translators, teachers found themselves in the national student theater "Pilgrim". There are no professional actors here, but everyone has talent and a desire to grow creatively. According to director Elizaveta ...

04 May 2023
Enactus 2023: victory for 2.5 million tenge

During the year of its existence at our university, Enactus has become a friendly community of energetic, purposeful and advanced guys! As a result of their work, they won the National Competition ENACTUS KAZAKHSTAN NATIONAL EXPO 2023 in the Early Stage nomination (projects at an early stage). This is a platform where the best students of the count...

04 May 2023
Republican Student Olympiads at Kozybayev University

Three Republican student Olympiads in astronomy, defectology, and information and communication technologies were held at once based at Kozybayev University. About 100 children from different parts of Kazakhstan came to Petropavlovsk. More than 20 teams were formed. IT specialists had to take a test and demonstrate their programming skills. Accord...

02 May 2023
Planting the Kozybayev University campus

The university campus is constantly being modernized. The space for study and recreation is becoming more comfortable and eco-friendly. Students have already managed to appreciate the mini-arboretum, which has developed behind the first corpus and a new alley near the ELC. And now the green spaces of the campus have increased by another 50 trees. A...

28 April 2023
Creating purity together

A clean-up day was held at the university. Everyone took part in it: from students to the management team. Teachers, staff, and students cleaned the area around academic buildings, dormitories, an observatory, and a health center. Dead foliage and garbage were also collected in the campus squares. Curbs and fences have been put in order. As a resul...

28 April 2023
Updating educational programs

The final seminar was held in the capital as part of the project's implementation "Strengthening the Potential of Pedagogical Education", which is part of the cooperation program between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the RK...

25 April 2023
Nauryz-2023: favorite holiday at your favorite university

Bright, friendly, hearty, and creative – this is how Nauryz Meiramy was at Kozybayev University. The whole university celebrated the holiday on a large scale on the main square in front of the first corpus. The guests were greeted by traditionally decorated yurts, where each faculty presented festive dishes. Well, what is the celebration without Na...

24 April 2023
Excursion to the educational and laboratory corpus

Kozybayev University was visited by honorary citizens of the region, and representatives of the Veterans Council. Among them are those who have been working for the development of alma mater for almost 40 years. A tour of the new educational and laboratory corpus was held for the guests. Chairman of the Board – Rector Yerlan Shulanov shared the ma...

20 April 2023
Partnership with the Spanish University on the DeSTT project

In 2020, our university joined the international project "Competence Development and Teacher Training in Leadership /DeSTT" as part of the program's implementation of the European Union Erasmus+. It is aimed at financing, promoting modernization, sustainable development of the education and vocational training system, and youth policy around the wo...

19 April 2023
The grant needs to be worked off

About 90% of last year's graduates, after graduating from Kozybayev University, found a job. Such a high percentage of employment is provided due to the close interaction of faculties with employers. This week, a meeting of graduate students took place with specialists of JSC "Financial Center", which provides monitoring and control over the compli...

14 April 2023
The university identified the best swimmers

The University's swimming championship united the most agile, fast, and brave. On the first day, athletes competed at a distance of 50 meters in freestyle, breaststroke, and backstroke. Among the girls, the absolute victory in all three styles won Miroslava Prigozhenko, a student of the Pedagogical Faculty. In the boys' category, the first positio...

11 April 2023
Cooperation to continue

The US Ambassador to Kazakhstan Daniel Rosenblum visited our university. During his visit to the North Kazakhstan region, he met with the administration of Kozybayev University and students. Chairman of the Board – Rector Yerlan Shulanov spoke about the collaboration with the University of Arizona, prospects, and goals of cooperation: "In September...

30 March 2023
We choose basketball. And you?

Under this motto, the university hosted a basketball tournament among amateurs and youth dedicated to Nauryz Meiramy. For four days, 6 teams competed for the title of the winner in one of the most spectacular sports. In addition to the national team of our university "SKU Bears", consisting mainly of PF students, as well as FEDT, college students, ...

24 March 2023
Galimkair Mutanov: "We succeeded a lot"

Over the 85-year history of Kozybayev University, more than one head has been replaced, but everyone has made a great contribution to the development of the university. They are remembered with warmth in the soul and are always glad to see them again in the walls of their alma mater. One of those who participated in the formation of the university ...

17 March 2023
And the Pedagogical Faculty wins

The competitions in the winter presidential all-around among students within the framework of the University Spartakiad have come to an end. The competitions were held in two types: cross-country skiing and strength exercises: pull-ups (boys), and push-ups (girls). The all-around athletes demonstrated strength, endurance and the will to win. The a...

15 March 2023
MBA day at the university

On this day, our university hosted a series of master classes and meetings of students and teaching staff, as well as entrepreneurs of the North Kazakhstan region with business coaches of Almaty Management University (AlmaU). The signed memorandum of cooperation between the two educational institutions will allow the opening of a joint MBA (General...

15 March 2023
March 8 is a holiday of love and warmth

In the first days of spring, the sun shines brighter, people become kinder, and the soul is filled with happiness and looks forward to the holidays. The ceremonial concert dedicated to International Women's Day brought together beautiful representatives from all over the university. The gentlemen handed each lady a bouquet with tulips. Sincere word...

09 March 2023
The Battle of Generations

This is not a show where masters fight with young geniuses, but a real battle between the crazy 60s and the dashing 90s, the fashionable 70s and the bright noughties. The guys of the Agrotechnology Faculty, divided into 7 teams, literally went into the past, where they tried on the images of those times. What did guys and girls wear, what hairstyl...

03 March 2023
Mutual respect, creativeness, and peace: the university celebrated the Day of Gratitude

March 1 in Kazakhstan is the Day of Gratitude of all ethnic groups to each other and the indigenous people of the country who showed mercy and accepted representatives of different peoples like their own during the mass deportation to Kazakhstan in the 30–40s of the last century. The hard years did not break people but made them even stronger. Now ...

02 March 2023
Discussed new trends in education

In our university, one-third of all educational programs are pedagogical. Therefore, the exchange of best practices and knowledge in the field of teacher training with colleagues from other universities is simply necessary. In this regard, it has become a good tradition at Kozybayev University to hold an international scientific and practical conf...

28 February 2023
Improving the system of training specialists for public administration

A memorandum of cooperation between Kozybayev University and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was signed in Astana. Our university, among other Kazakhstan universities that carry out master's and doctoral studies in the areas of "Public Administration", "State and Local Administration", "Human R...

25 February 2023