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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


1 800 000 tenge for young scientists

Every year Kozybayev University holds a competition of the Chairman of the Board – Rector for young scientists of the university. It is attended by undergraduates, doctoral students and psychological and pedagogical support under the age of 40. The goal is to identify the most promising and interesting scientific projects that need financial encour...

20 February 2023
The mission is feasible

The university awarded letters of thanks to volunteer proctors who took part in the "Clean Session" campaign in December 2022. The most active of the guys also received valuable gifts. Board Member for Academic Affairs Renata Apergenova thanked the students for the work done. During the winter examination session, 59 students monitored compliance w...

16 February 2023
Women in the world of science

An increasing percentage of women are involved in scientific activities. The research conducted by female scientists of our university touches on various relevant topics in agriculture, technical and natural sciences, mathematics, linguistics, etc. They publish articles in major scientific journals and implement projects that move Kazakhstan's scie...

14 February 2023
The first graduation of a profile magistracy

The first graduation of students of the profile master's degree was held at Kozybayev University. All of them are working specialists, for whom studying at the master's degree has become a new step on the career ladder. Last year, the initiative of our university to open a profile master's degree was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher...

13 February 2023
Comeback to his home university after 6 years

Kozybayev University was visited by Undasyn Ashimov, a famous Kazakh scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was the head of our alma mater from 2002 to 2017. First, together with the delegation of the university, the guest laid flowers at the monument of ...

10 February 2023
Z.Taishybaіs' scholarship established

Students of our university have more and more opportunities for free education. This time the students of the Journalism educational program were lucky. A personal scholarship of Zarkyn Taishybai, professor of Kozybayev University was additionally established for them. Zarkyn Syzdykovich is an academician, veteran of labor, scientist, writer, publ...

06 February 2023
Partnership with «Alageum Electric»

The university works closely with companies in the region. One of these partners is «Alageum Electric». This electrotechnical factory in Petropavlovsk was opened in 2021. Today, 16 graduate students of the FEDT have their practical training at this modern factory. The company management approach pleases: the students are provided with free meals, ...

27 January 2023
We are working on improving the quality and quantity of dual degree programs

A delegation from the University of Arizona visited the university. This time, the partners arrived to discuss joint educational programs in pedagogical areas. Special attention was paid to inclusive and STEAM training. Representatives of Arizona met with the leadership of Kozybayev University and the Department of Education of the North Kazakhstan...

25 January 2023
10 educational programs have become the best

Kozybayev University has been participating for the fifth year in the rating of educational programs conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken". Independent experts rank all universities in the country with the involvement of employers. The main evaluation...

23 January 2023
The pedagogical faculty is the best in sports!

The sports contest "Sprightliness and Health" among the faculty and staff of Kozybayev University has ended. For two weeks, 9 teams from faculties and departments of the university competed with each other in various sports. On the first day, the participants were waiting for the Kazakh folk board game togyz-kumalak. The Faculty of History, Econom...

20 January 2023
Our victories in the Enactus Republican business camp

The XIII season of the mobile school of leadership and entrepreneurship Enactus Kazakhstan "Winter camp 2023" gathered participants from all over the republic. It was held in the Educational and recreational complex "Tau Turan" of the Almaty region. The camp was attended by students from 18 higher educational institutions and colleges of the countr...

19 January 2023
The best university teacher was identified – Pavel Dmitriev

We start the year with good news! The names of the winners of the national competition "The best university teacher - 2022" have been determined. Professor of our alma mater, candidate of biological sciences Pavel Dmitriev became the winner. A total of 775 teachers from 71 universities of the country competed for the title of the best. Participant...

04 January 2023
New Year's Concert

On the eve of the New Year, Kozybayev University hosted a festive concert for teachers, staff and students. The university was filled with a magical atmosphere: elegant Christmas trees, colorful garlands and shiny tinsel. Bright, colorful rooms were presented to the guests by the students of our university and creative teams of the city. The main ...

27 December 2022
Learning the languages for 50 years

Warm memories, pleasant hugs, sincere smiles: such was the 50th anniversary of one of the most promising and sought-after departments in German and Roman Philology. During this time a large number of highly qualified teachers of foreign language, philologists and translators, who are successfully employed not only in cities of Kazakhstan, but also ...

26 December 2022
Pedagogical training for students. New stage

The university held a meeting with school principals of Petropavlovsk, in the framework of which a memorandum of cooperation with the Education Department of NKO was signed. The document is concluded in three main directions: 1) Pedagogical practice. Through the Memorandum, our students will be officially assigned to the schools where they are in...

21 December 2022
Raising champions

The Kozybayev University volleyball tournament was completed. The competition was organized by the Sports Club “Sunkar” as the part of the Student Sports League on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Boys of 7 faculties participated in it. Teams were divided into two subgroups; the game were held during the week. The...

19 December 2022
Job Fair

In 2022, 79% of Kozybayev University graduates have found a job and started building a career. One tool that has proven effectiveness in employment og young professionals has become job fairs. These events are held annually at the university for graduating students. This time, the fair was attended by four-year students from the following departme...

14 December 2022
The winners of the video contest received 50,000 tenge

The Council of Young Scientists of Kozybayev University held a contest "The World of science through the eyes of a student". Its participants had to publish their videos, up to three minutes long, where they presented student scientific activities at the university. These are sketches, backstages from laboratories and practices, work with a supervi...

13 December 2022
Happy anniversary, Kozybayev University!

The University celebrated the great anniversary of the 85th anniversary of its foundation! It is one of the oldest higher education institutions in the country. And it all began back in 1937, when the Petropavlovsk Teachers' Institute was formed, which later became the PPI, then the NKU, M. Kozybaev North Kazakhstan State University. During this t...

12 December 2022
Preserving the past, multiplying the future...

As part of the celebration of the 85th anniversary of Kozybayev University, branches of the Ch.Ch. Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology and the A. Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology were opened on the basis of the university. These research centers will be engaged in the development of fundamental and applied research, taking into acco...

12 December 2022
We are at the top: always, everywhere and in everything

One of the university's favorite traditions has been the Gymnastics Show. More than 30 years ago, it was founded by Professor Victor Tulaev of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical and Military Education. It is a truly grand celebration of sport, which includes vivid acrobatic performances, strength exercises and a fighting team spir...

01 December 2022
Solving the issue of theoretical staffing

Kozybayev University Employers and Alumni Forum. More than 40 representatives from different sectors of the economy: from agriculture to education. Heads of the largest agricultural enterprises, processing companies, factories, banks, schools in the region. This was the first time the university was trying to build a dialogue with stakeholders and ...

25 November 2022
Зажги свою звезду

Под таким слоганом в вузе прошёл областной вокально-хореографический конкурс «Qyzyljar stars», посвящённый 85-летию университета. Продемонстрировать свои таланты смогли более 14 коллективов. Выступали ребята сольно, в дуэтах и группах.  На фестивале звучали песни на казахском, русском, английском и даже корейском языках. Начинающие танцоры отличал...

23 November 2022
Полёт научной мысли

Тенденции развития естественных и технических наук в современном мире обсудили в вузе на международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 85-летию Kozybayev University. 123 научных статьи, участники из Казахстана, России, Узбекистана, актуальные доклады и интересные научные разработки – таковы результаты встречи. «За три года нашими учен...

23 November 2022
Искусство без границ

Областной творческий конкурс под таким названием проводится в СКО уже пятый год. В нем люди с инвалидностью имеют возможность продемонстрировать свои таланты. На этот раз он прошел в стенах университета. Организаторы - ОЮЛ «Объединение инвалидов «АРДОС - Жүрек», Управление внутренней политики и  Kozybayev University - не стали ограничивать участник...

23 November 2022