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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Commemoration meeting, devoted to Kanash Shakenov

On November 5, the university held a commemoration meeting, devoted to Kanash Shakenov who worked as the Rector of our University, and the rector of Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute named after K.Ushinskij over 18 years. The event was attended by his children, grandchildren, relatives, colleagues, friends and students. Under the leadership of Ka...

07 November 2012

Recently our University celebrated its 75th anniversary. This event was noted at the chair of Foreign Languages. The celebration event was held in three rounds: 1 - writing competition, 2 - drawing contest, 3 - concert. These events were attended by students from all faculties. Students prepared presentations in 3 languages, pleased the audienc...

05 November 2012
Republican on-line lectures

Academic staff, heads of chairs, deans and university heads took part in the Republican on-line lectures, held from October 29 to November 2, 2012. Professors, doctors and academic staff of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi gave lectures simultaneously in real time . Topics of the lectures were diverse - from the main tasks of higher...

05 November 2012
To the Day of Kazakhstan police is devoted

Students of the specialty "Law Enforcement" at the Multipurpose College of NKSU, held an event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan police. This specialty, which was opened six years ago, is very popular now. Today 37 students are taught here in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Due to the presence of highly qualified teachers a...

31 October 2012
Students theater "Shanyrak" opened a new season

The new season was opened by the play in the genre of farce-comedy "Тон туралы реквием" written by playwright Roland Seysenbayev. At the head of the play there is hero's ability to keep human qualities and cultural values. In the story a young man who came from the village takes part in putting out a fire at the railway station, he saves liv...

31 October 2012
Visit of information propaganda group

On October, 19th, 2012, our region was visited by a Republican information propaganda group which came to provide a clarification of the message from the head of our state. Its representatives met with the students of economic faculty.The chairman of RK economic development and trade ministry's regional development committee Serik Zhumangarin noted...

22 October 2012
Visit of advocacy group

16.10.2012. Republican advocacy group arrived in NKO with a working visit to raise awareness of religious extremism issues and suicide among young people. A meeting was held with the students in our university too. The Head of the Agency for Religious Affairs Baltabay Mekezhanov and Naib Imam Mosque Kokshetau "Nahuan Hazret" Kanat Alshimbaev descri...

18 October 2012
Meeting against corruption

16.10.2012. Kazakhstan spread an extensive corruption fight. This week it was spoken about it at a meeting of students with the first deputy chairman NKRF PDP "Nur Otan" Kairat Pshenbaev, an expert of Research Institute of parliamentarism PDP "Nur Otan" Serik Toleutai and deputy of Parliament Senate Iran Amirov. He talked about the violance of anti...

18 October 2012
75 years of the NKSU named after M. Kozybayev

Юбилей - это отличный повод вспомнить все светлое, что произошло, разделить эмоции с друзьями и коллегами. На прошлой неделе вся дружная университетская семья отмечала 75-летие СКГУ им. М.Козыбаева. И это, безусловно, стало главным событием для нас. ФОТО Начались торжественные мероприятия в областном театре драмы им.Н.Погодина. На международной ...

16 October 2012
Teachers' Day and Day of Older Persons

At our university traditionally celebrated two holidays at once: Teachers' Day and Day of Older Persons. Each department presented stands about people who had worked here for many years and had made invaluable contribution to the development and formation of the university. Also at the ceremonial concert there were honored veterans of labor and cur...

16 October 2012
Жизнь и творческое наследие Л.Н. Гумилева

27 сентября 2012 года состоялась Межфакультетская студенческая научно-практическая конференция, посвященная 100-летию Л.Н. Гумилева.

04 October 2012
The memorable tournament

22.09.2012. On the basis of our university there was held the basketball tournament dedicated the memory of masters of sports Anatoliy Borisko and Vladimir Gavrilenko. At the opening ceremony of the basketball competition there were participated not only the leaders of the university, but also the family members, friends and relatives of famous ath...

16 October 2012
Meeting with director of the North Branch of the National Bank of Kazakhstan

Meeting of director of the North Branch of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Temirgali Maekenova and rector of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev Undasynov Ashimov with students of social program "National students." Charity program "National students" of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is allotted for orphans and children without parental care, so that t...

16 October 2012
The concert of Irina Mkrticheva

17.09.2012. There was the concert of laureate of international competitions, leading soloist of the State Philharmonic concert "Petersburg’s concert" Irina Mkrticheva in the walls of the university. The audience applause greeted the star of opera genre. Among the audience were the teachers and students of our university, as well as the singer's fir...

16 October 2012
Жизнь и творчество Сафуана Шаймерденова

14 сентября 2012 года состоялась Республиканская научно-практическая конференция, посвященная 90-летию со дня рождения С.Шаймерденова.

04 October 2012
Conferring of honorary title

September, 2012. Our University Academic Council decided to confer to the education honorary employee, the well-known local historian, a member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and the regional council of veterans, a writer Mukanov Kairolla Mukanovich the title of honor professor of the university.

16 October 2012
Pharmacology And Pharmaceutical Technology

6 сентября 2012 года Зверяченко Т.С., к.фарм.н., принял участие в работе конференции "Pharmacology And Pharmaceutical Technology" (г. Дели, Индия) и выступил с докладом "Flora of Northern Kazakhstan".

04 October 2012
Конституция страны - гарант независимости Казахстана

1 сентября 2012 года состоялась Региональная научно-теоретическая конференция, посвященная дню конституции Республики Казахстан.

04 October 2012
Meeting with Alexander Vinokurov

24.08.2012. Alexander Vinokurov the Olympic champion of XXX Summer Olympic Games, the graduate of NKSU, our countryman visited our university. Sensationally he won a gold medal in group race, having leave behind all favorites and having become the Olympic champion.

16 October 2012
Инновационный форсаж

11 августа 2012 года ученые СКГУ приняли участие в телепроекте "Инновационный форсаж", проводимом в рамках Республиканского конкурса инновационных бизнес планов "NIF$50K", в ходе которого были проведены круглый стол и выставка-презентация. Были представлены работы Лежневой М.Ю., Назаровой В.Д., Полякова В.В., Сартина С.А., Островного К.А., Белецкой...

04 October 2012
IT-Планета 2011-2012

Маракова Светлана (ИС-09) и Цеподой Сергей (Ин-08) получили дипломы участников Международного финала олимпиады "IT-Планета 2011-2012".

18 May 2012
Студенческое самоуправление

Воропаев С.В. (ОПДЭ-09) принял участие во 2-ом Международном студенческом Форуме "Роль общественных объединений в студенческом самоуправлении в ВУЗах и регионах" (г. Алматы, КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби).

10 May 2012
Эффективное самопродвижение на рынке труда

На кафедре "Общая биология" проведен круглый стол "Эффективное самопродвижение на рынке труда".

25 April 2012
Жизнь и деятельность А. Янушкевича

ФИП и ОО "Коперник" Северо-Казахстанской ассамблеи народа Казахстана провели международную научно-практическую конференцию "Жизнь и деятельность А. Янушкевича" с привлечением ученых Казахстана и России и участием советника Посольства Республики Польша в Казахстане П. Есса.

25 April 2012

Лободенко Е. (РЛ-08) занял 1 место на республиканских соревнованиях по армрестлингу.

24 April 2012