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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


A celebration of spring, love and warmth...

March 8 is a bright spring holiday, joyful and bright. On this day, under the warm rays of the sun, our hearts come to life together with nature.  On the eve of it, there was also a festive atmosphere under the university shanyrak. A solemn concert dedicated to the International Women's Day brought together beautiful representatives from all over t...

05 March 2022
The best are determined (SSS) Student Scientific Society

The Council of Young Scientists of the University summed up the results of the annual competition of exhibitions of scientific achievements of student scientific societies. This time representatives of 15 societies applied for participation. Within 10 days, members of the competition committee visited exhibitions where students demonstrated the res...

05 March 2022
Once again among the best!

Kozybayev University students became prize-winners of the III International Distance Olympiad on International Financial Reporting standards for undergraduates and undergraduates of higher educational institutions not only in Kazakhstan, but also in foreign countries. The organizer was E.A.Buketov Karaganda University. In the first round, the part...

04 March 2022
The first certification center for the study of fertilizers in the region has been opened at the university

Studying at the faculty in tandem with production is a trend of modern higher education. To increase the competitiveness of our graduates in the labor market by acquiring the necessary practical competencies during their studies at the university. Including by obtaining the appropriate certificates. Such a course is planned at KozybayevUniversity a...

04 March 2022
Askhat Aimagambetov: «We will support important initiatives of Kozybayev University»

Today, the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov paid a visit to Kazybayev University. First, he visited the 11-storey educational and laboratory building under construction. This is a modern scientific and educational complex that has no analogues in the regions of the country. And it will ensure the a...

03 March 2022
Maslenitsa is a symbol of renewal

The end of winter and the feeling of the warmth of the spring sun makes it clear to everyone that the long-awaited holiday – «Maslenitsa»  will come very soon.  This year, within the walls of  Kozybayev  University, he united all students and teachers who amicably and joyfully saw off winter and met the beautiful spring. A real feast reigned at th...

01 March 2022
This service is both dangerous and difficult…

On March 1, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of the formation of the forensic service. On their professional holiday, employees of the Police Department of the North Kazakhstan Region met with students of the Department of «Legal Disciplines» of our university. At the event, future lawyers were told about the activities of the most scientific of all ...

01 March 2022
With gratitude in my heart

«Day of Kazakhstan responsiveness», «day of grateful heart», «a holiday that cements friendship» - this is how the Day of Gratitude is called in our alma mater. Deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of associations of departments «Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan», chairmen of cultural centers ...

28 February 2022
Hanshabibi Zhaksybai - Grand Prix winner

To help the beginning artist a great flavor in modern music. On the same day, The Star «Tansholpan» Hanshabibi Zhaksybai performed the song in one breath and won the heart of all jury members. Hanshabibi is a 3rd year student of the specialty «cultural and dosugovaya work». In addition to studying at the University, the girl demonstrates a high cre...

24 February 2022
Faculty of History, Economics and Law - the best in table tennis!

Zhazira Sandybay, Yerken Nurdaulet and Zhantemir Bolatov are winners of competitions in tennis organized within the framework of the Student Sports. Children are taken into account at the Faculty of history, economics and law. Among 8 teams, they became the first! And Zhazira still won the title of "the best game". It is not surprising that the gir...

23 February 2022
Students learned about the secrets of paleogenetics

Do you know what population genetics is? What is its peculiarity among the peoples of Eurasia? How can genetics be used as a method of verifying the genera of Kazakhs? These and other questions were answered by an expert in this field, a well-known historian, candidate of Sciences, Doctor Zhaksylyk Sabitov. At Kozybayev University, he held a guest ...

23 February 2022
Marina Pogrebitskaya was included in the group of the best experts of the IAAR

Marina Pogrebitskaya, Director of the Department of Strategy and Quality of Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, is recognized as one of the best experts of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR). Such recognition and gratitude from the IAAR speaks not only about the high level of professionalism of the...

18 February 2022
Look at me as an equal

Under this name, an inclusive training was held among KozybayevUniversity students. Currently, inclusive education is gaining momentum more and more. Groups and classes of children are created in each educational institution, regardless of their physical, mental, intellectual characteristics. Including at our university. In 2021, an Inclusive Educa...

18 February 2022
Yertostik Planbek-winner of the competition «Zhigit sultany – 2022»

No wonder they say that the main strength in a person is the strength of the spirit. All participants and spectators of the Zhigit Sultany - 2022 contest were convinced of this. 11 students took part in it. During the competition, talented guys from our university competed with each other in 3 stages and tried to show their best side. The first ro...

16 February 2022
Women scientists were congratulated at the university

For the first time in our university, the Department of Science organized a celebration of women scientists. The Member of the Board for Innovation, Internationalization and Transformation Damel Mektepbayeva congratulated her colleagues and noted that in Kazakhstan women account for 54% of the total number of scientists. There are many of them at K...

14 February 2022
Meeting with a famous athlete

Kozybayev University students met with the deputy of the regional maslikhat, international master of sports in athletics, participant of three Olympic Games Irina Ektova. “During the period of the Olympic Games in Beijing, we organized a meeting of our children with a famous athlete so that she would tell students about her path, which can become a...

14 February 2022
Volunteers-proctors were awarded at the university

The winter session at Kozybayev University was held in an open format. The third-party observers and experts from the anti-corruption service attended the exams. There were also volunteer proctors from among the students. There were 61 people in total. They checked examination procedure for academic honesty (correspondence to the declared number of...

09 February 2022
Research in the field of natural sciences and mathematics was discussed at the university

Kozybayev University organized the X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Mathematics and Natural Sciences". This year it was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Associate Professor R.A. Akberdin. Rifkat Abdullovich has been working in our alma mater for more than half a century. He has worked his way from a teache...

04 February 2022
Kozybayev University is among the leaders of Kazakhstan universities, according to the rating of «Atameken» NCE

For the fourth year already, our alma mater has been participating in the rating of educational programs conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. An independent assessment is carried out according to 19 criteria, including: the level of employment a...

03 February 2022
Winners of the international project «The best student of the CIS»

Our students are the best again! This time they are: Alexander Zotov, Rodion Razumov and Bekpulat Tilevov, studying in the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports". The guys are excellent students, active in social activities and have high sporting achievements. Alexander is the master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sports acrobatics, Be...

01 February 2022
We continue to improve the level of knowledge

The Department of the "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" Kozybayev University organized 3 educational express courses in an online format on the following areas: learning the Kazakh language, psychology and volunteering. The listeners were schoolchildren, members of the republican unified children's and youth organization "Zhas Ulan", college s...

31 January 2022
Recognition and glorification of traditions

Every year schoolchildren, students, teachers gather under one shanyrak to discuss the issues of traditions and cultural heritage of our state. The 4th International Remote Online Conference "Modern scientific research of the cultural heritage and traditions of the Kazakh people: school science" became such a platform. Thus the organizers are tryi...

25 January 2022
Sport unites

While students are on vacation, teachers and staff are not sitting idle. This week, the sports club "Sunkar" organized for them the traditional sports contest "Vitality and Health". About 70 people took part in it: from the rector to employees of departments and teachers of almost all departments. Competitions help maintain a healthy lifestyle and ...

21 January 2022
The educational programs of the university have successfully passed accreditation

In the last third of December, an expert group of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Expertise of the Quality of Education ARQA worked at Kozybayev University. The audit covered 10 educational programs of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies in pedagogical, technical and natural science areas: 6B01404 Physical education and basic mi...

11 January 2022
Праздник к нам приходит…

По традиции Новый год в университете встречают праздничной концертной программой. На главной университетской сцене – лучшие артисты студенческого клуба. Праздничное мероприятие с веселыми шутками и добрыми пожеланиями открыли выпускники нашей альма-матер, квнщики Северо-Казахстанской сборной «5 жаңалық». Поздравили собравшихся также  Дед Мороз и Сн...

30 December 2021